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A Labyrinth of Shadows

Welcome to the Labyrinth of Shadows....

Here you will see the cobwebs as they fill my heart
Enjoy as you peer into my darkness and read the pain of my soul...


Porcelain falls
Breaks the skin
My hands
And my soul within
Try to wash it away
Heal the wound
But blood always stains
Memories fade into one
Whispered words I can not say
Fake smiles I hide behind
While falling deeper into cobwebs
Lose myself
Hide myself
From myself

"The Reel"

The music is in my blood
Ringing in my ears
How my breath does catch
As my heart beats madly

The music makes me long
For a time since gone
A place hidden in my memory
Of a love I can not recall

A face who haunts me
A voice that taunts me
A touch faded from my skin
A kiss wiped from my lips

Alas, so distant do I feel
As my heart the music does steal
Takes my soul to flight
Fades memories from my sight

"Field of Dreams"

I saw you there again
In that vast expanse of the mind
My mind
My field of dreams
Cloaked in the colour of night
A full moon hue
Silvery bright
Stealing my breath
Fluttering my sight
I heard you whisper my name
As the echo floated upon wings of the night owl
You called me Love
I long to see your face
Yet you haunt me so
So achingly familar
The memory so close
Yet it is as far as that full moon shining up above
Will I forever quess at your name?
Never know who you are?
Or, Shall the dawn come
Allowing our lips to meet in a fated kiss?
At long last, finally see the sun shine upon your face
And call you Love

"The Awakening"

In this life I seem to move
Without feeling or thought
Where will my next step land?
I stumble along...
Uncaringly, so it seems
Until I am faced
With my unrelenting heart
Who screams "REMEMBER!"
The floodgates open
Memories flow forth
Long blocked and hidden away
My mind feels violated
As my body once was
How do I stop the emotions?
Do I learn from them instead?
I see my choices looming before me
One step forward
Towards Remembrance
Or a step back
Back into my own unemotional repression
My mind is set as I gently, cautiously
Step forward into my past remembering
Feeling once more the scars
That have become sore once more
Through thorns I emerge
My legs unbroken
I walk forth

"Where did they go?"

The Children had all heard
Tales from an era long since past
When colors glorified the skyline
A time when snow was said to have existed
They could not conceive of such a thing
A substance that was cold and soft
Fluffy and sweet
Which one may eat
That changed shapes
When there was warmth
They called it rain
"But what is rain?"
They all wanted to know...

Their eyes began to glow
As they huddled around
An old picture book
Full of jolly old men
And long dead monsters
Who's home was the dried up basins and canyons
That was once called a Sea

They could not fathom it at all.

But hope soared as imaginations rose
With the quickening chatter from beneath their masks
That Gaea would be reborn
So that they could play
Beneath leaves of green
Sing songs they knew
But never understood

They longed for what could not be
The seeds were all gone
The children asked their teacher
"Where did they go?"
But alas, the teacher did not know.


Does pain ever end?

Memories cease to be?
Shall I ever be happy inside of me?
Do you understand what it is I'm trying to say?
Goddess knows,
I wasn't made this way.
Events occured lifetimes ago,
It hardened my heart,
My soul also,
If I close my eyes will you fade away?
You're all the same!
Just go away!
Leave me in peace!
Let me find Solace,
Just once in Sleep!
Blessed be my dreams I pray,
Goddess make them go away!
Let the Sun shine for once,
As Luna sweeps the shadows clean.

Beauty in Corruption Lies,

Deep within a Dead Man's eyes,
He who has seen the suffering of Life,
We find it mirrored within our own.
Endless like the flow,
Death cycling to Birth,
As Fascination holds us steady,
The unrelenting gaze,
Stumble forth and falter,
Nausea, our Nemesis,
Yet, We are one.
Spiritual forever,
Physically bound.
'Til death sets us free,
The cycle begins anew.

Thoughts of isolation...

Here we sit,

amused by the television flashing,
taking for granted our freedom.
While across the sea and ocean miles wide,
people die for such a freedom as of ours.
Their hopes and dreams are crushed by the Marching Army's booted feet,
being led like cattle for the slaughter.
Talk about what if, what if.
Like the Jews of Old,
isolated to their deaths.
And the World watches with wide eyes,
shocked at the disgrace of an Empire.
Bad mouth the soldiers,
Bad mouth the war,
Bad mouth the world.
Ennui, the cell mate for most Americans.

I'll be adding more as quickly as i can, so just drop in whenever!

A Few Words of Thanks!
Holly.... Thanks so much for helping me out with this crazy page, from helping putting up graphics and pictures to deciding which works didn't suck that bad! ;) LOL

Drop me a line....and tell me what you think! and as always--Thanks for taking the time to visit such a demented page!

Merry Meet and Merry Part

Until next time
Blessed be!


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Here's some cool sites... Check 'um out!!

A great site where poets hang out...
a place where some of my other writings can be found, also some writings of my pal Zimmy
a really cool site where Zim's other writings are.. check it out!!:P~~~
A Yahoo Group I host for Wiccans and Pagans in Arkansas... Feel free to stop by and visit with us!! We'd love to have you!
an awesome site if you would like to know a little more about Wicca and Magik
a lil site I found that's great in locating other pagans in your area!!
The Official site of the Witches Voice website... Very helpful to pagans, wiccans etc....
Some useless information about me that you probably don't want to know!! LOL
Poetry inspired by my neice's (Vana) passing.... A MUST Read!
OBOD... The Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druides...
The official site of the Witches Against Religious Discrimination.... Very cool site, very informative about Wicca and Persecutions some Wiccans still endure to this day...
A Druid Fellowship Website
A site ran by the Witches League for Public Awareness....
