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Something to read

Welcome to CoCaMo you have entered a Seriously Insane group of kids. Who have nothing better to do on a rainy day but terrorize some poor sap who volunteer to read this out of there own accord.

What's tall strong and has very hairy balls?
We will find out what the answer to that question is later on in the show.

Did you know more people die from being hit on the head with a Coconut than being eaten by a shark.

Well there are five of us if you really feel the need to know.
Ryan"if you know me visit my soon to be re-redone page if you dont,visit it anyways".
Then there is Tek (Dylan) Strangely insane but he will tell you about himself later.
Then Smell (Mel) Although she don't smell but yeah she'll tell you maybe later.
Then Me PEP = Pure EVil Pixie (Angela) Well I can't spell for peanuts.
The Great One (Malikyte) The oldest of us all

Okay CoCaMo the strange and weird name of an insane island somewhere in space on a planet in another universe.

CoCaMo is the most beautiful place you could ever imagine with beaches that stretch right across the island and huges forest. Mountains with snow on the top and fresh clean rivers that flows for miles. The sky is mostly all the time clear. But when it rains it is still a beautiful site to see. When lightening cracks across the skys it lights up everything and when the thunder roars it echos through everything. As the rain falls it re fills rivers and lakes making it so there are more water to drink.

This island is also inhabited by CoCaMoN and the Native people.

You are properly wondering why we left such a beautiful planet just to come and live on this one. Well that's a question we would like to know our selves but haven't come to think of a reason yet.

Well on with the page!

And the answer to our question

What's tall strong and has hairy balls?
A coconut tree!!!.

You have a dirty mind!

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