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Analysis of chess games


This page is thought for begginirs or middle force chess players. That´s to say, if you are a MF, MI or GMI, you will probably find nothing interesting here, but I will respond everyone anyways. If you do not flood me with material, that´s clear.

La proposal is that you send me your chess games in ChessBase format, PGN format or as plain text and I will return them commented, as much in the opening, middle game as to the end. You can send games with your own commentaries and I will add them my owns.

It would be thankful that you give me some info about the names of the players, date and place of the game, and names of the tournament in which they were gambled (if they were gambled in a tournament). It would please me that you also inform me how did you arrive to this page (by commentary of somebody, by a search engine, which search engine, what keywords were used). You will receive the answers with the commentaries after about one week.

The direction to send the games is


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