What's New

This page is just to tell you what's new with my site in general. I write in the journal almost everyday so that will keep updating and i won't say it in here. This is just for like if I'm making a new page or what not. YOu'll see what I mean.

August 17, 2001- I made a guestbook today guys so everyone go sign it! I'm still working on my new Logo for the main page, as well as the Tribute to Simon page. I want that to be perfect before I put it up. The journals are pretty cool you all want to go read them the new way you know it. : )

August 29, 2001- I reliezed that no one goes to look at my new formated journals and they are just taking up space so I've gotten ride of them.

September 12, 2001- I put up some new journal entries. They're about Simon and how i dealt with it all. They're in the journal section under "SPECIAL ENTRIES." Check umm out if you want.

October 26, 2001- Muhaha guys! I changed the opening pages crazy talk. Not to mention deleted the lyrics page so i don't get in trouble for copyright stuff. I don't want to loose this page again. I also added Marnie to the friends page. I think i should have done that a long time before.

December 6, 2001- I added Julia to friends. Umm and I am adding quotes to the About Me section. They're quotes about me by friends so yeah...

February 17, 2001- Woohoo! Yeah so guess what guys I'm working on my site. Crazy isn't it? I guess I'm feeling inspired. Accually it's probably the fact that I really don't want to read Mcbeth. Anyway... I have added 3 new songs that I wrote (i call them songs but they are just lyrics.) Also I added/changed some people in the friends section. Now i'm working on the about me page but that might not change yet so yeah...

About Me

What's New
My Songs