About Me

My name is Mel and I'm a freshman in college now. I'm starting to adjust to sharing and new people. Its hard to find friends when you already have people that know everything about you and who fit you perfectly. Anyway here is the story of the journal... Febuary eleventh 2001 my friend Simon comitted suicide forever changing me and my world. I was thrown into dispare and depression. We all waited expecting someone else to go next, someone who couldn't handle living without him. I jumped at every phone call, ever im, every email. In hopes of getting away from my fear and getting away from the pain I made new friends and began focusing on the good things in my life. These good things oftened ended up being Weezer and nothing else. But at the beginning of the summer after tenth grade I reliezed that my other friends had not turned to the happy music of weezer but rather to drugs. Being a shy, straight-edge girl this scared the hell out of me. I was so outraged, so hurt, so drained. I created this online journal as a way to get ride of all those feelings. Trapping them inside this place where I can read them forever but keep them far away from me. Pretty soon the Journal evolved to be a major part of my life and now I'm starting to write in it again more frequently. Anyway feel free to read whatever you want. If you have comments make them in the guestbook because I love to hear from people...

Top Five Favorite Albums
1. Pinkerton- Weezer
2. Let Your Dim Light Shine- Soul Asylum
3. Sorry I'm Leaving- Saves the Day
4. Unplugged in New York- Nirvana
5. Tell All Your Friends- Taking Back Sunday

Top Five Place I Want to Go
1. Istanbul, Turkey
2. Rome, Italy (the Vatican especailly)
3. Jerusalem
4. London, England (the art museam especailly)
5. Tokyo, Japan

My Three Wishes
1. That Kemp could be happy and back to her old self with out all the bad things she does
2. Enough money to pay off mum and dad's morgage, credit cards and send me to college
3. To own and emerald green PRS guitar with a type two dragon inlay... (drooolll....)

Top Five Favorite Possesions
1. Kimp the pig
2. Cordory Comforter cover
3. Weezer's Autograph (Green ablum with Mikey)
4. Movie Collection
5. My Photographs

Top Five Pet Peeves
1. When people don't use they're turn signals when driving
2. Flat out rudeness
3. Talking about people behind they're backs
4. People who keep talking when the don't know what they're talking about or when they are really wrong
5. People treating cds badly

Five Things I love
1. pjs
2. hugs (really huge bear hugs)
3. sleeping
4. Mixed cds
5. art

Five Things I dislike Intensly
1. the word "hate"
2. act of hating
3. meat
4. people who hurt my friends
5. crying

Top Five Favorite Songs
1. Hold- Saves the Day
2. Promises Broken- Soul Asylum
3. Ten Minutes- The Get Up Kids
4. You're so Last Summer- Talking Back Sunday
5. Thanks for Stayin'- Reggie and the Full Effects

Top Five Favorite Moments
1. Riding the Dumbo Ride at Disney with Terra
2. When I wrote the lyrics to my fist song in seventh grade
3. seeing weezer for the first time at Hfstival
4. Zach dedicating "My Poor Heart" to me
5. Christmas morning when I opened this one present from Lowell and it was Sidney my purple dragon stuffed animal

Top Five Concerts
1. HFStival (with Weezer)
2. HFStival (with Silverchair, Blink 182, The Offspring etc)
3. Weezer (with Jimmy Eat World, and Tenacious D)
4. Ozzfest 2000
5. Wallflowers

About Me
What's New
My Songs