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Hello... Welcome to my page... I hope you have funn.. It took me a while to do it... dont forget to check out the Music, WWF, Family, Friends. and other pages... Please sign the Guest book before you leave... Thank you and Have funn!!!

Hello... This is My page! I hope you find it most exciting and Enjoyable!

I Enjoyed making it and i thought it was cute!! Please when you are done sign the guest book with comments!!! I Love ya all....-- Nicole Have funn!

Simply Shaggadelic Baby!!!

Personally i am partial to Austin... But that Minime is so Adorable!

Don't click this link!

Hi.. i would just like to say that any picture put up here were asked to be used by me to the people i got them from. I would like it very much that if you are going to take any pictures up here that you please ask me first... I don't think it very polite about taking some one elses work with out giving recognition to them first.

Well... I am 17 Years old and um...and i go to Oliver Ames High School! um...

I can't think of anything

ok.. My Favorate bands are Pearl Jam Nirvana

and Black Sabbath

I play Trumpet(seven years) and i play the drums, a little Guitar (or what ever Andy teaches me)

and I can alsoplay a little KeyBoad/Piano! ...

i rock...

I Love Andy

That is A Pic of Me and My Boy friend Andy... Arent We so Cute!!! I can not think of any thing else

<<<>>> <<<>>>

Went to OzzFest 99.... We got the second show on June 18th but hey we got very close seats! god Smack Kicked so serious ass... they were the 2nd best show.. of course Black Sabbath Being the best!! Rob Zombie had some killer Piro technics... This concert was The best!!!

Click here to go to my music page

I was here!!! It was the most incredible Concert in my life.. i can not wait to go next year and the year after that and when Black Sabbath gets into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame i want to be there!!

Me and Heather had a unique experience... well... it was a kick asss show and i loved it... had alot of funn


Black Sabbath.. take a bow gentleman... YEs ozzy you are the MAN The Guy from slipknot.

I Was There At OzzFest and It Was One Wild Ride

Nicole's page

Buy BodyPunks jewelry... they have great variety... and a lot to choose from...

body jewelry by bodyPUNKS!

A little About Me~

body jewelry by bodyPUNKS!

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Hello... How are you enjoying it so far?

Ok... alittle more about me.. Well.. i am a Junior at Oliver Ames High School. I made Extreme Honor role during the year and that i am proud of. I live in Easton ,MA.. it;s nothing great but if you find something to do its not that bad.. I have alot of pets...

For my last brithday this year i got a new 45 gallon Aquarium and it is full of awesome Very Aggressive fish.. i still have a ten gallon set up as well... I have a New kitten Named Callie and she is a Calico... I have a Maine Coon Named TuT and he is 1 year old.. We have an Alaskan Malamut named Bandit...

This year i got a new Bed... YEah awesome huh?

I did start out with having one hampster That andy gave em but he got a full load she had babies.. i gave one to andy and one to a girl i know shannon i kept the other 3 for me so now i have 4 hampsters

I also have hermit crabs... they are cool but a little boring

body jewelry by bodyPUNKS!

Shout Outs!!

Hey Baby.. That is for Andy My boy friend... We have been together since August 27, 1996.. I love you Sweets

Click Here to Go To My Andy And Nicole Page

This is Our Junior/Senior Prom

Click Here to Go To My Page Of My Chica! Hey Katie baby... How is it HAnging! And Russ Too! Keepin it REAL

Adam W... don't forget what happens when you get Colin Cancer! It is Painful! HAHA >

Hey Adam B... You will get the shits man

Hey Yelena and Dima I love you Guys! I will always remember working with you guys.. it was the best... I remeber the time we went running around in all the rain... and we were late for work and we went in soaked to the bone~~ Always member it!!! And Vlad And Slava Too!!! I love you Guys!!!

Click Here To go To A Page of Pics of me

Hey That is A Drawing of ME!!

Hey Meg-n <3 And Jeanntte... We've got it going on! We are some Hot Chics!!!

Hey Meg.. I have one Question for you... maybe you could help me with this one... Is my Rack evenly Hung???

Hey Heather... " By Cupids Arrow have I been Stung


Hey Jenn Whats up How is it going... Mine Shoe is Heavier

Hey Taryn.... how are you!!! And to all Of those i may have accidently Passed by.. I love you all!!

A Little Work Can Go Along Way!

When i Graduate from high school i am going on to College...Preforably Boston College..

While there i am going to study Premedical School... and wha6t ever else i desire..

After that I am going to Medical School... for my Very long 4 Years... The I will Have my M.D.

Then When i am an M.D. i will work at a Hospitol until my interns are done where as i will have been through my fields and will learned Pediatrics...

After That i will open My own Pediatric Practice

Every One has goals in life right??? Well Mine are Quite Abbitious I Just Thought I would Share My Dreams With you!!!

Easy Moderate Difficult

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Click here to go to My Tom Green Page

body jewelry by bodyPUNKS!

Shout Outs!!

body jewelry by bodyPUNKS!

The Baby below is my new Neice Verronica Lynn.. she was born 8 lbs 2 oz. and 19".

Click Here to go to My page of My Family

this is Callie my new baby Calico.. She is 6 weeks

old in this pic..she is now about 12 weeks old... she has a little pathetic meow!!! I know He is so Cute... This is My Baby TuT.. Isnt he so Handsome.. He is on the biggerside.. He was weighed in at the vet at 19 lbs.. I know he is big.. But he is A MAine Coon..


i know a horrible pic that i had to put up... You see i am sending a message.... Dont mess With The Best!!!!

Click HEre to go To my WWF Wrestlers PAge


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Go Oliver Ames High School Tigers! Go Fight WIN!!!

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