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On this page we will cover a few Codes we have not covered elsewhere. Several of these codes go in with the body background code. To show how they work, we will give the code for this page.

<title>COOL PAGE</title>
<body background="
honey3/images/back4.gif" xspeed=40 yspeed=40
transition="wiperighttop" address="COOL PAGE"
text="#000000" link="#0000ff"
alink="#ff0000" vlink="#800080">

In the above background code are three codes you may wish to use.

The xspeed=40 yspeed=40 causes the background to move from the top left corner to the bottom right corner. You can use these codes together as we did or use them seperately.
If you had a cloud background which you wanted to drift slowly across your page you would use the xspeed=3 which would cause it to drift to the right. To go left you would use xspeed=-3.
If you wanted your background to go up or down you would use yspeed=3 for up and yspeed=-3 for down. We changed the number to 3 for a slow moving background. The higher the number the faster the movement.
There is one draw back to using this code, it will prevent any animated gif's on your page from animating.

The transition="wiperighttop" causes a cool effect for WebTV'ers who click on your page. Only WebTV'ers can see a transition effect.
You could use "wiperightbottom" to change the direction of the transition.
You could also use "wiperight" to cause the page to wipe in to the right and not from top corner to bottom corner.
We have made a discovery recently. You probably already know that webtv is not always properly loading the page you click on. It quite often doesnot show the title in the status bar on the bottom of your screen. If you have a wiperight, wipeleft, wipeup or wipedown transition on your page you may well notice this problem. This failure to load properly causes meta tags not to function, wavs not to work, and transitions and java not to function. But, if you put a wiperighttop or wiperightbottom transition in your body tag your page will load properly. We aren't sure the reason for this.

The address="COOL PAGE" means when someone clicks "Options" then Info they don't get the address of your page, they get the words, COOL PAGE. Try it on this page.

The Logo="
afx.gif" changes the image in the "Recent" page views. Click "Recent" and you will not see a Gif of this page, you will see the Angelfire Logo Gif.

Here is another tool you may find useful in building your webpages. With this you can put a voice of your choice speaking the words you want to say like the ones you hear when you click on the "Speaker". Here is the code:

<embed src="

Here are different voices:
Put them in instead of voice=woman above.