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Polls from the Past

This poll ran from the 11th December 1998 till the 16th August 2000
As you can see, the relationship is very popular among fans. The poll
ran from the very beginning of the relationship (London, end of series 4)
up until the end of series 6.

Chandler and Monica
What do you think of Chandler and Monica getting together?

I think it's great! (149)81%
I have no opinion (7)4%
I think it's a stupid idea! (28)15%

184 Total Votes


This poll ran from the 16th August 1998 till 11th December
1998. As you can see, Monica and Janice tied with 16 vote
each, Kathy came 2nd with 6 votes and Joanna came last with
no votes at all!

Chandler's Girlfriends Poll
Here are the final results:

Who was your favourite of Chandler's girlfriends in series 4?

Joanna (0)




Kathy (6)






Janice (16)






Monica (16)






38 Total Votes

Matthew Perry Page