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Kallie's Stubborn Sneeze (con't)

by Arden Davidson (C) 1998

Chessie shoved the black pepper
beneath Kallie's face, and said
"This ought to knock
that old sneeze out of place."

"Take a big whiff of this."
And Kallie sure did.
She breathed in so hard,
she sucked up the lid!

"Owww!", Kallie yelled,
"That didn't feel nice.
Don't ever ask me
to do that twice!"

Discouraged, poor Kallie
went to Pritzy instead.
"I'm stuck in a sneeze, Pritzy.
Help!", Kallie pled.[IMAGE]

"I know just what to do!",
shouted Pritzy with pride.
"Step into my office.
Come quickly inside."