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Gobblit's Bookworm (con't)

by Arden Davidson (C) 1998

"I haven't done anything.",
Gobblit declared.
"It isn't my fault Durbin's
easily scared."

"And that frog in his bed
didn't hurt him one bit...".

"What the heck are you babbling about
you nit wit?

"That's not why I'm here.
That's not why I've come."

"Good gracious you must think
I'm awfully dumb"

"Well, I have to admit
that I've seen smarter onions.
Truth noted, I've probably seen
smarter bunyons.

"But fear not, my friend
because I am your savior
and I have come here to
correct your behavior.

"My behavior is not all that terrible
Is it?
Just what have I done
to deserve this odd visit?"