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Monday, 9 March 2009
Unconditional Immortality Or Resurrection Of The Dead
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Eteranl life or eteranl death
Topic: Resurrection
By William Robert West, 

According to Alexa, The Web Information Company, (www.seoxp.net/domain-tool  - who keeps track of all web traffic world wide) millions of copies have been downloaded.  5,324,808 copies in the week of January 18 - 24, 2009.

According to Google the number of web pages that contain links to www.robertwr.com/ was 960 on March 6, 2009.

DOWNLOAD THE FREE PDF BOOK "Resurrection And Immorality”

By William Robert West – Free at: http://www.robertwr.com/resurrection.pdf



ISBN 978-1-63063-99703 Volume One, $28:99

ISBN 978-1-63185-249-7 Volume Two, $29:99


“Resurrection And Immortality” William West -- Tate Publishing, 2014

Ask for ISBN 978-1-63063-99703

At Amazon.com


At Booksamillion.com/


 At Barnes & Noble



Or html:

CHAPTER ONE: The reinterpretation of the nature of man

o   Soul in Genesis, Soul in the New Testament, Old Testament words, which are translated life, spirit, breath, or soul, are all used referring to both a person and animals, Soul in the Old Testament.

o   Soul in the New Testament, Plato's immortal soul versus Christ's life and resurrection, Historical proof of reinterpretations of the Bible. The great confusion - Soul or Spirit or Both? ----- http://www.robertwr.com/

CHAPTER TWO: Life or death? http://www.robertwr.com/life.html

CHAPTER THREE: The reinterpretations of the great doctrines of the Bible. http://www.robertwr.com/immortal.html

CHAPTERS FOUR, FIVE, SIX, AND SEVEN: http://www.robertwr.com/hell.html

o   Chapter Four: From where came hell? The given no chance Hell, Edward Fudge's Short Hell, The Changing Hell, The Vanishing Hell.

o   Chapter Five: Sheol, Hades, Tartarus, and the Nether World. A soul is the image of Adam.

o   Chapter Six: The thirty-one passages where Hell is used in the King James Version.

o   Chapter Seven: A Strange and Unexplainable Silence.

CHAPTERS EIGHT, NINE, TEN, AND ELEVEN: http://www.robertwr.com/heaven.html

o   Chapter Eight: The interpretation of figurative language, metaphors, and symbolical passage.

1.      Part one: The intermediate bosom, the rich man, and Lazarus.

2.      Part two: The symbolical pictures of Revelation versus a literal interpretation.

3.      Part three: Forever and ever of the King James Version.

4.      Part four: Israel's destruction, her weeping, gnashing of teeth, outer darkness, A. D. 70

o   Chapter Nine: Universalist: The "age lasting" Hell.

o   Chapter Ten: Evil Pagan teachings that are attributed to God.

o   Chapter Eleven: Historical proof of the changing of the teaching of the Bible


OTHER WEB SITES of William Robert West, church of Christ

“The Rapture and Israel” free at: http://robertwr.com/rapture.html

The printed book: https://www.createspace.com/3457158

The Premillennial thousand-year reign of Christ, the Rapture, and the Kingdom of Heaven.   

o   After the Judgment where will we spend eternity?

o   When will the secret rapture come to pass? Will you miss it?

o   Will there be cars without drivers after the rapture?

o   What is the battle of Armageddon?

o   Is Armageddon coming soon?

o   Will Israel be restored? Will there be a worldwide conversion of Jews?

o   Will the temple be rebuilt in Jerusalem?

o   Will animal sacrifices be restored?

o   What are the signs of the second coming of Christ?

o   Who are the 144,000?

o   Will there be one, two, or three resurrections?

o   What is the "time of the Gentiles"?

o   What is the "gap" theory?

o   Who is the thirteenth tribe?






“The Indictment Of Eternal Torment: The Self-Negation Of A Monstrous Doctrine,” by E. D. Slough, a preacher in the church of Christ, F. L. Rowe Publisher, 1914.

I have put this book on the web, free at: http://www.robertwr.com/EternalTorment.htm

For e-readers: http://www.scribd.com/doc/162824865/Eternal-Torment-A-Monstrous-Doctrine-by-E-D-Slough


“Life In Christ” by Edward White was published in 1875 may have been one of the first major protest against the doctrine of an immortal soul. For the most part this book teaches the truth on the doctrine of a soul and Hell however there are a few things in it that are unbiblical.

I have put this book on the web free at:


For e-readers: http://www.scribd.com/doc/173926706/Life-in-Christ



Articles by Ken Fortier and C. Dickinson



"The Maxey-Thrasher Debate" A debate on the eternal destiny of the wicked between two Gospel preachers.






Posted by ar/lovegod at 9:21 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 19 October 2014 9:06 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 11 June 2008
Resurrection or immortality
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Will you live forever or forever be dead?
Topic: Resurrection

THE DOCTRINE THAT WE HAVE A SOUL LIVING IN US AND IT IS THIS SOUL THAT WILL BE SAVED OR TORMENTED FOREVER IS THE FOUNDATION OF MANY OF THE ERRORS THAT HAVE DIVIDED THE CHURCHES. THAT WE ARE A SOUL (A LIVING BEING), NOT HAVE A SOUL LIVING IN US IS ONE OF THE MOST FUNDAMENTAL AND MOST MISUNDERSTOOD TEACHING IN THE BIBLE.ALL FOUR TIMES SOUL IS USED IN GENESIS ONE, IT IS USED REFERRING TO ANIMALS, NOT TO A PERSON. ANIMALS WERE SOULS BEFORE ANY MAN EXISTED. "Then God said, 'Let the waters teem with swarms of LIVING SOULS [soul-nehpheshs], and let birds fly above the earth in the open expanse of the heavens.' And God created the great sea monsters, and every LIVING SOUL [soul - nehphesh] that moves with which the waters swarmed after their kind, and every winged bird after its kind; and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, 'Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.' And there was evening and there was morning, a fifth day. Then God said, 'Let the earth bring forth LIVING SOULS [soul-nehpheshs] after their kind: cattle and creeping thing and beasts of the earth after their kind'; and it was so...and to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creeps upon the earth, wherein there is LIFE [soul - nehphesh], I have given every green herb for meat" [Genesis 1:20-30].

Download and Save the free pdf book at  INDEX AND ALL TEN CHAPTERS robertwr.com/resurrection.pdf  "Unconditional Immortality Or Resurrection Of The Dead" By William Robert West,

Posted by ar/lovegod at 2:59 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 19 October 2014 9:09 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 6 November 2007
Resurrection and Immortality
Mood:  bright
Topic: Resurrection

My book. Download free or get the book.


Down load and save the free pdf book or buy the printed copy. The book is 329 pages, the third edition is 366+ pages. If your eyes can read that much from a PC, a FREE COPY, can be downloaded from http://robertwr.com/resurrection.pdf third edition: About 350,000 copies have been downloaded.
Or html: CHAPTER ONE: The reinterpretation of the nature of man
Soul in Genesis, Soul in the New Testament, Old Testament words, which are translated life, spirit, breath, or soul, are all applied to both a person and animals, Soul in the Old Testament.
Soul in the New Testament, Plato's immortal soul versus Christ's life and resurrection, Historical proof of reinterpretations of the Bible. The great confusion - Soul or Spirit or Both? http://robertwr.com/
CHAPTER TWO: Life or death? http://robertwr.com/life.html
CHAPTER THREE: The reinterpretations of The great doctrines of the Bible. http://robertwr.com/immortal.html
CHAPTERS FOUR, FIVE ,SIX, AND SEVEN: http://robertwr.com/hell.html
CHAPTER FOUR: From where came hell? The given no chance Hell. Edward Fudge's Short Hell. The Changing Hell. The Vanishing Hell.
CHAPTER FIVE: Sheol, Hades, Tartarus, and the Nether World. The soul is the image of Adam.
CHAPTER SIX: The thirty-one passages where Hell is used in the King James Version.
CHAPTER SEVEN: A Strange and Unexplainable Silence.
CHAPTERS EIGHT, NINE, AND TEN: http://robertwr.com/heaven.html
CHAPTER EIGHT: The interpretation of figurative language, metaphors and symbolical passage.
PART ONE: Israel's destruction, her weeping, gnashing of teeth, outer darkness.
PART TWO: The intermediate bosom, the rich man and Lazarus.
PART THREE: The symbolical pictures of Revelation versus a literal interpretation.
CHAPTER NINE: Universalists: The "age lasting" Hell.
CHAPTER TEN: Evil Pagan teachings that are attributed to God.
OTHER WEB SITES of William Robert West. Church of Christ, Tallahassee Florida
http://robertwr.com/rapture.html The Premillennial thousand-year reign of Christ, the Rapture, and the Kingdom of Heaven.
After the Judgment where will we spend eternity?
When will the secret rapture come to pass? Will you miss it?
Will there be cars without drivers after the rapture?
What is the battle of Armageddon?
Is Armageddon coming soon?
Will Israel be restored? Will there be a worldwide conversion of Jews?
Will the temple be rebuilt in Jerusalem?
Will animal sacrifices be restored?
What are the signs of the second coming of Christ?
Who are the 144,000?
Will there be one, two, or three resurrections?
What is the "time of the Gentiles"?
The thirteen tribe.

Posted by ar/lovegod at 7:45 AM EST
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Saturday, 22 September 2007
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Resurrection

William West


A free copy of my book, "The  Resurrection And Immortality" at" http://www.robertwr.com/resurrection.pdf 

Posted by ar/lovegod at 9:12 PM EDT
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