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This part of my page is decidated to poetry. A small part of it mine, but most of what I will end up putting on here is poetry that I like or that has touched my heart and/or mind.

If it seems that my peoms are all or mostly in a prayer and not quite true poetry, it is because that is exactly what it is. Often when I feel like talking to God and cannot seem to get anything out or am really upset about something I take pen and paper in hand and write it all out to the Lord.

My mom and several others that have read my writings (not my my design though, I left them out by accident once) and suggested I publish them or put them where others can read them at least.....I didn't take the suggestion seriously and threw those away. Finally I am taking my family's and friends advice and posting things that I have written on my web pages now that I have a web page.

If there is something on one of my pages you like, if you have any ideas on what I could do to make my page better, or if I have anything you would like to see more of on here please e-mail me and let me know.

Feel free to copy anything that I have writen that you want just please put on there that I did them in case I ever do decide to do any thing with them.

Jennifer Fairchild aka LadyQuality

My Favorite Poem
One of my poems
Another one of my poems
Yet another one of my poems
Some roughed out thoughts on war
Alot of good ol' Quotes
Back Main Page (hurry up lemme outta here!)
Just a Piece of Wood
Friendship? Love?
Little Ghosts
Stone Story
I love you Jesus
Prorities (Joke? or Not a Joke?)
To See Him Again
Storm or Dance (not really titled yet)
