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Missionary in Mexico

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Daniel Karl Ost
The Founder of the Faith Hope & Love Centers

On March 14th, brother Daniel Karl Ost with his beloved wife Ruby Ost They arrive in Mexico as "Ambasadors of Christ with the Mexican people" with the purpose To extend the Kingdom of God. They so love this country that both of them were buried in Mexico City.

They came to stay and to invest the rest of their lives on founding upon biblical bases, what in the beginning was a church organisation called "El Calvario". ( The work started in little towns at the north of Mexico. And they found precious souls that were receiving Christ as their Lord and Saviour. At the same time it was established the Ministerial Institute "El Calvario", on Villa del Carmen, Nuevo León, Mexico by the year 1960, so many people have been prepared in this place, workers that serve in this organization, and the leadership also has come from this Institute.

When the years went by, God sarted opening bigger doors by giving brother Daniel a little plane. He had the vision to used for track distribution from the air, being able to give out 20,000,000 of tracks. Each one of them had a mail course.

God also opened another door, The radio. Brother Daniel, he start broadcasting the program "Agua Viva", ( living waters) which had a great acceptation in all the places that is was able to be heard. Until now this program is still being broadcast, now with the voices of Timothy Ost and Roger West, In different cities of Mexico and some others countries. The radio programs had such an impact over the nation, to the point of bringing so many people to the feet of Jesus that they had the need of big locations for all this people. So by the year of 1971, they made the decision that all "El Calvario" churches will be call under the denomination"Centros de Fe, Esperanza y Amor de la Cruzada Misionera de Avivamiento". On that year the first Centros de Fe, Esperanza y Amor was established on the cities of Monclova and Monterrey. This was the beginning of a new age that came to revolutionise the evangelisation in Mexico. It was established Centros de Fe, Esperanza y Amor in Guadalajara, by the year 1974, By 1975 in Puebla and later on, in Mexico City by June of 1976, and also in other important cities of Mexico, with great success.

We can say that the Centros de Fe, Esperanza y Amor are still going on because the spiritual heritage that Brother Daniel left, it has been very fruitful in Jesus Christ . And a lot of responsibility for those who are leading it. This is a man story of a man who left everything, to follow Jesus and the starting of a spiritual work which keeps growing up in Mexico and the whole world.

"Then he turn to his disciples and said privately,
Blessed are the eyes that see what you see.
For I tell you that many prophets and kings wanted to see what you see
but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it." (Luke 10:23,24 NIV)

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