Real Name: None

Class: Extradimensional (Zarolatt)

Occupation: Dimensional guardian

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile

First Appearance: Weird #1 (April, 1988)

Powers: Weird could fly, alter his molecular density and alter the density of any person or object he touched.

History: The Weird was an extradimensional being belonging to the Zarolatt race, a race of great power but with no way to use that power. All Zarolatts were parasitically fed upon by Macrolatts, and the Weird's Macrolatt planned on invading Earth using human Jason Morgan as his pawn to find a way to bridge the dimensional barrier. Weird found he liked Earth, so he traveled there to prevent his Macrolatt from invading it. In order to exist on Earth he needed a vessel, so he chose recently deceased human Walter Langley to house his essence. The Weird could tap into his innate power in the Earth dimension, but realized his form was highly unstale and would eventually self-destruct and detsroy the Earth.

Earth's heroes thought the Weird was a villain, and he had to fight his way through them to overcome Jason Morgan and a handful of Macrolatts that reached Earth. After stopping the Macrolatt invasion he was helped by Superman and Guy Gardner to travel lightyears away to uninhabited space so he could self destruct without harming anyone besides himself.

(Strange Adventures II #1, 2) - An unforeseen event caused Lord Synarr to recorporate into the physical plane in Weird's body. In the Dark Zone of space the discorporated Weird appeared to Adam Strange.

Comments: Created by Jim Stalin & Berni Wrightson

Weird received a profile in Who's Who Update '88 #4.

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