Real Name: Seagrin

Class: God (New Gods)

Occupation: Warrior

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: New Genesis

First Appearance: New Gods I #4 (August-September, 1971)

Powers: Seagrin was a skilled warrior of the New Gods

History: (New Gods I #4 (fb, BTS)) - Seagrin was a gentle warrior who found peace and harmony in exploring the deep sea. He was killed by the Deep Six in New Genesis' war to keep Apokolips from Earth.

(New Gods I #4) - The police dragged Seagrin's body from the harbor, and Orion oversaw the passing of Seagrin's soul into the Source.

Comments: Created by Jack Kirby

Seagrin’s appearance in New Gods I #4 was reprinted in New Gods II #2

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