Real Name: Devilance

Class: God (New Gods)

Occupation: Hunter

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Apokolips

First Appearance: Forever People I #11 (October-November, 1972)

Powers: Pursuer possessed a high degree of superhuman strength and invulnerability. His body automatically adjusted itself with defensive measures to counter anything endangering him. For example his body could quickly adjust to rapid temperature changes. Pursuer’s principle weapon was his lance, which enabled him to fly, fires energy blasts and track down victims. If separated from his lance, it would automatically return to him.

History: (Forever People I #11) - Pursuer had been bred on Apokolips for the sole purpose of tracing down and killing prey. Failure meant his own life, and the Pursuer never once failed in catching his quarry. Darkseid sent Devilance the Pursuer to eradicate the Forever People, and they bravely fought him at their boarding house. When the fight went agains them they used Mother Box o teleport across the globe, but they couldn’t shake the Pursuer. The Pursuer had an advantage because he knew they’d never take another’s life, and prepared to finish them off on a Pacific island. Infinity Man, who’d been banished by Darkseid to a remote corner of the universe, finally pierced the barrier of his prison and received the thoughts of the Forever People, who then switched places with him. Infinity Man and the Pursuer battled, and their cataclysmic fight blew up the island that served as their battleground, and they were both lost in the resulting destruction. The Forever People found themselves on an idyllic planet of paradise in the corner of the universe where Infinity Man had been imprisoned, and decided to make the best of their new life.

Comments: Created by Jack Kirby

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