Real Name: Unrevealed

Class: Human

Occupation: Serial killer

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile

First Appearance: Green Arrow III #12 (March, 2002)

Powers: Onomatopoeia spoke only in onomatopoeic words, and his trademark as a serial killer was to imitate the sound of the weapon he used to murder a victim. He was armed with knives and guns and possessed a near superhuman threshold for pain.

History: (Green Arrow III #12-15) - Onomatopoeia was a serial killer who specialized in murdering superheroes. Onomatopoeia stalked Virago, and fatally shot her. Later he broke into the home of Pennsylvania-based hero Buckeye and killed his wife Meg. When Buckeye got home he attacked the killer in a rage, but Onomatopoeia shot him in the head, killing him. Onomatopoeia traveled to Star City, where he encountered Green Arrow Conner Hawke and shot him in the head. Onomatopoeia caught a news report and learned that although he'd seriously injured Conner he hadn't killed him. He went to the hospital, killed nurses and doctors, and was ready to finish off Conner. Black Canary and Mia Dearden tried to stop him, but he took them out of commission. Green Arrow confronted him, protecting his son. He held Onomatopoeia at arrow-point until surgeons saved Conner's life. The fight between Arrow and Onomatopoeia resumed, and in the end Onomatopoeia fell off a roof after being hit with several arrows, but the killer survived and disappeared.

Comments: Created by Kevin Smith & Phil Hester

Onomatopoeia received a profile in Green Arrow Secret Files and Origins #1.

Onomatopoeia had a cameo in Green Lantern IV #8.

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