Real Name: N'Gon

Class: Extraterrestrial

Occupation: None

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile across the universe

First AppearanceDC Comics Presents #26 (October, 1980)

PowersN’Gon had a death-stare that could kill opponents, and was a shape shifter capable of assuming the form, memories and abilities of whoever he chose. N’Gon could survive in the void of space.

History(DC Comics Presents #26) -N’Gon was a cosmos spanning entity that was caught by the energy of a green sun, which created a duplicate of him. The N’Gons instantly hated each other, and planned to destroy each other. The original N’Gon sought out powerful entities across the universe, destroying them, and taking their form and power. N’Gon entered a time dimension, where he slew Green Lantern Archon Z’Gamora, but the hero refused to let N’Gon have the power ring, so he ordered his ring to destroy itself in the heart of an exploding star. N’Gon took his form and learned of the Green Lantern of Earth Hal Jordan. Posing as Archon he sent out a distress call, and Jordan arrived. N’Gon seemingly killed Hal with his death-stare, duplicated his form, and took his power ring. Searching his memories he found Superman, and realized he’d be the ultimate power needed to destroy his duplicate. He summoned Superman, but Hal had survived, using the power ring to separate his body and soul a second before N’Gon’s death stare hit, and warned Superman that N’Gon was an imposter. They battled the alien, and recovered Hal’s power ring. Hal told N’Gon not to worry about his duplicate, he created a power ring jail cell and left him stranded in the time dimension.

Comments: Created by Marv Wolfman & Jim Stalin.

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