Real Name: Kordax

Class: Atlantean mutant

Occupation: Conqueror

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: Cora (mother), Dardanis (father)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Atlantis

First Appearance: Atlantis Chronicles #4 (June, 1990)

Powers: Kordax possessed superhuman strength and durability, could breathe underwater and communicate telepathically with sea life. His left hand had been replaced by a sword.

History: Kordax was born to Queen Cora of Poseidonis, and abandoned at birth because of his grotesque green skin and scales. He survived in the ocean thanks to his mental command of sea life, and as an adult he returned to Atlantis and made a bid for conquest with an army of sharks. He was defeated, and as punishment his left hand was severed and he was banished. For years people still spoke of Kordax in fear, and there developed a superstition that any child born with blonde hair suffered from the Curse of Kordax.

(Aquaman V #24, 25) -When Aquaman defended the cities of Atlantis from the Hunters he warned Kordax and the people of Tritonis not to interfere. Koryak was infuriated at being ordered by his father and demanded Kordax respond, but their argument was interrupted by the Annunake, who told Kordax his usefulness to them was coming to an end. Kordax and Koryak went to Washington to confront Aquaman, who stood in the way of the Annunake conquest of Earth, but they were beaten back. Kordax recognized that Aquaman could actually control his mind, and in fear of having done to him what he'd done to so many others Kordax took his own life. With his death Koryak's mind was once again his own.

Comments: Created by Peter David & Jim Calafiore

Koryak received a profile in Aquaman Secret Files #1.

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