Real Name: A'Hwiirdh-Paan'A

Class: Extraterrestrial (Aello) technology-user

Occupation: Freedom fighter

Group Affiliation: Omega Men

Known Relatives: Duarnzshee-Paan (Demonia, sister, deceased)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Vegan Star-system

First Appearance: Green Lantern II #141 (June, 1981)

Powers:  Harpis could fly and had razor-sharp claws on her hands and feet.

History:  A'Hwirdh was born inside a Paan Electronics Factory on the planet Aello. After rescuing a child from certain death she was gifted with artificial wings by the scientists of Aello. Her domineering older sister Duarnzshee convinced her to leave Aello to work in a house of ill repute on the planet Rashashoon, where she worked under the name Harpis and her sister worked as Demonia. Citadel officer Blackfire forced Harpis and her sister to undergo surgery so they would be more attractive to Blackfire's alien crew. Harpis was horrified by her new form and shortly thereafter joined the Omega Men to fight the Citadel.

Harpis suffered a nervous breakdown after her wings were ripped off by bounty hunter Bedlam and she learned of Demonia's death.

Comments: Created by Marv Wolfman & Joe Staton.

Harpis received a profile in Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #10.

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