Real Name: Basil Nurblin

Class: Human technology-user

Occupation: Supervillain, inventor

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: Francine Nurblin (wife), Luna Nurblin (Colonel Computron II, daughter)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Central City, Missouri

First Appearance: Flash I #304 (December, 1981)

Powers: Colonel Computron wore a suit that was actually a portable computer. The suit gave him superhuman strength and sped up his deductive skills and intellect. The suit could also create automatons called Blips.

History: Basil Nurblin invented the popular Colonel Computron toy for the Wiggins Toy Company. For unknown reasons he designed a computerized suit and took on the Computron identity to gain revenge on his boss W.W. Wiggins. Flash II stopped Computron from killing Wiggins, but failed to capture him.

Computron returned to murder Wiggins, but was stopped by the unlikely team on Flash and Captain Boomerang. Computron escaped following the encounter, and Flash never learned his true identity.

(Flash II #217) - Computron, now reduced to being a floating head, and the Rogues held a funeral for Captain Boomerang in Avernus.

(JLA #110) - The floating head of Colonel Computron and the Rainbow Raiders attacked a S.T.A.R. Lab in Clark Forks. Johnny Quick and Power Ring of the Crime Syndicate of Amerika, who were posing as Flash and Green Lantern of the JLA, confronted them. The Raiders had them on the ropes, but when a group on onlookers intervened and attacked the Raiders they were caught off-guard and defeated buy the “heroes.”

Comments: Created by Cary Bates & Carmine Infantino

Colonel Computron received a profile in Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #5. 

Col. Computron was pictured on the cover of Flash II #225.

Flash II #230 showed a statue of Computron in the New Flash Museum.

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