Real Name: Unknown

Class: Hi-tech villain

Occupation: Supervillain

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Ant Hill Fortress, outside Midway City

First Appearance: Doom Patrol vol. 1 #99 (November, 1965)

Powers: Bug Man uses a battlesuit made of nearly impenetrable metal that can assume the shape of several types of bugs. In its' bee, butterfly and dragonfly forms it can fly, and as a dragonfly shoot bolts of electricity from its' tail. In its' spider form it can shoot metal webs. In its' caterpillar form it shoots poisonous gas and can curl into a ring that rolls at high speeds. He also employs a number of remote-controlled mechanized insects, including giant wasps and carpenter ants.

History: (Doom Patrol vol. 1 #99)-After years of researching insects, an unnamed scientist theorized that if he could duplicate their powers in mechanical form he could easily rule the world. Fashioning a battlesuit, the Bug Man made his first course of action to destroy the Doom Patrol so that he would have no opposition in taking over Midway City. He attacked them once by himself, and a second time with an army of mechanized insects. He managed to captureElasti-Girl and place her in a deathtrap inside his Ant Hill Fortress. She escaped, and her teammates managed to defeat Bug Man and obliterate his robotic creations as well as his Fortress. Bug Man was sent to jail and has not been heard from since.

List of appearances: Doom Patrol vol. 1 #99

Comments: Created by Arnold Drake & Bob Brown

Last updated: 3/23/2002

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