Real Name: Unrevealed

Class: Human technology-user

Occupation: Tyrant

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Island Citadel in the Western Ocean, 7532 AD, Mobile across time

First Appearance: Sensation Comics I #28 (April, 1944)

Powers: Black Barax was a master of time-travel, using a time-cube with tesseract technology. He possessed a multitude of futuristic weapons, including a lance that shot energy beams and an army of robots at his disposal. Barax wore a battlesuit that gave him the powers of flight and superhuman strength and durability. Barax was an accomplished swordsman.

History: (Sensation Comics I #28) - <7532 AD> Black Barax was a despot who kidnapped the coordinator, the only man on Earth who knew the secret of keeping Earth from being pulled apart by the gravitational pull of an alien planet that entered Earth's solar system a century before. In exchange for the return of the coordinator, Barax wanted to be declared world tyrant. He would gladly see Earth perish if he didn't have absolute control over it. A science council used a time machine to bring the legendary hero Mr. Terrific from the past to figure out a way to defeat Barax. Terrific confronted Barax in his Western Ocean island citadel. Terrific knew the citadel was on top of what used to be the South Sea Islands, and activated the island's dormant volcanoes with a stick of dynamite. Barax feared for his life and handed over the coordinator to Terrific. The International Army threatened to arrest Barax, and Barax promised he would leave Earth and never bother anyone again.

(JSA #41, 42) - Barax time-traveled to the present day to attack Tylerco, because Tylerco was on the verge of discovering tachyon particles and unlocking the secrets of time travel and Barax felt threatened by anyone else possessing that technology. The JSA fought Barax, but were unable to prevent him from wrecking Tylerco. Captain Marvel's lightning short-circuited Barax' time-cube, sending Barax and Captain Marvel, Hawkgirl and Mr. Terrific II of the JSA back in time to 1944. Barax attacked Washington to draw out the Freedom Fighters, and tried to tried to abduct the Human Bomb to use his explosive power to fuel his damaged time-cube.  Mr. Terrific I convinced Barax he was his ancestor, making up a story about using time spectacles to view his future lineage, and threatened to shoot himself in the head and erase Barax from the timeline. Barax erred on the side of caution, abandoning his time-cube and returning to his own time.

Comments: Created by an unnamed writer & Stan Aschmeier

In the pre-Crisis DC Universe Black Barax lived on Earth-2.

Sand had a prophetic dream about fighting Black Barax in JSA #33.

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