Real Name: Frederick DeLamb

Class: Human villain

Occupation: Financier, insurrectionist

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: Astrid DeLamb (mother, deceased), Gunther DeLamb (father, deceased)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Markovia

First Appearance: Batman and the Outsiders #1 (August, 1983)

Powers: Baron Bedlam is a superior fighter, a ruthless tactician and he possesses unlimited financial resources.

History: (Batman and the Outsiders #1, 2)-Gunther DeLamb was installed upon the Markovian throne by the Nazis during WWII. His son Frederick exploited his position as heir apparent, treating the Markovians like slaves. At the end of the war King Viktor Markov was restored to the throne and Frederick, fearing reprisal fled the country. He amassed a fortune, and when he decided the political climate was right, staged a coup in Markovia. He took the name Baron Bedlam (Bedlam being an anagram of his last name) and seized the throne after murdering King Viktor Markov. Geo-Force, the young heir to the throne, formed a super-team named the Outsiders to combat Bedlam. Bedlam was deposed and found himself in the hands of enraged Markovian townsfolk.

(Legends #1, 2) -

Comments: Created by Jim Aparo & Mike W. Barr

Bedlam received a profile in Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #2.

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