Real Name: Unknown

Class: Altered human?

Occupation: Henchman

Group Affiliation: New Olympians

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile

First Appearance: Batman and the Outsiders #14 (October, 1984)

Powers: Argus possesses telepathy that allows him to see events unfold from great distances away. Argus is mild-mannered and weak, making him a very poor fighter.

History: (Batman and the Outsiders #14, 15)-Argus’ origins are unknown, but he was probably given his power by the Monitor, who named him after the hundred-eyed monster of myth. Argus was a member of the New Olympians, henchmen of the Monitor lent out to madman Maxie Zeus in order to kidnap Olympic athlete Lacinia Nitocris. The New Olympians were opposed by the Outsiders, and the two teams faced off in Olympic games to determine a victor. Argus was the only Olympian not physically involved in the games, instead reporting their results to Maxie Zeus. He was also the first Olympian to be taken out of action; Batman II knocked him unconsious in record time. Argus has not been heard from since.

List of appearances: Batman and the Outsiders #14, 15

Comments: Created by Bill Willingham & Mike W. Barr

Last updated: 3/23/2002

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