Real Name: Antares

Class: Extraterrestrial robot

Occupation: Probe

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Japan, formerly Clanetary System

First Appearance: Martian Manhunter II #2 (January, 1999)

Powers: Antares was the height of a city building, and possessed vast superhuman strength and durability. Antares’ hands projected advanced firearms and could shoot explosive metal barbs. Antares contained an intergalactic transmitter.

History: (Martian Manhunter II #2) - The Antares probe was created by an alien race, filled with a number of cryogenically frozen extraterrestrials, and sent to Earth in the prehistoric era. The crash separated Antares from its transmitter and killed the aliens aboard. In the modern era New Concept Designs discovered the transmitter, activating Antares. It reconnected the transmitter and went on a rampage in Japan. It was stopped by Martian Manhunter, and when the hero entered Antares it initiated a self-destruct sequence. Before it destroyed itself it it sent a signal to its creators race, telling them to come to Earth.

(Martian Manhunter II #1,000,000) - A thousand years in the future the Clanetary System sent the Antares VII to terraform Earth. Earth was decimated but the Martian Manhunter defeated the Clanetary System and destroyed the Antares probe.

Comments: Created by John Ostrander & Tom Mandrake

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