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In Memory Of A Young Life That Touched Everyone.

Once in most of our lifetimes, someone or something happens that profoundly changes our preception of life. Both within us as well as around us.
Such is the life that was taken from us over a year ago.
Matthew Shepard was a soft spoken young guy with lots of different things he wanted to accomplish in his life.
These will not be possible now due to the senseless acts of some hate filled people who thought nothing of taking another human beings life in fun and fear of not knowing him personally. They only thought they knew him because he was gay. They hated him for being different.
The following are a few links to sites that honor Matthew Shepard as well as fight discrimination and hate crimes.
PLEASE follow these links and learn what you can do to make being gay less of a danger and more of a lifestyle.
(Who knows....You may change the world!!!)

In Memory Of Matthew Shepard

Other Important Sites to Visit!!!