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Keywords: songs, singing telegrams, poetry, lyrics

AARDVARC & friends is a singing telegram service currently developing songs, animation, music, lyrics, poetry, and karaoke with the hackey-sack being used by the aardvark to be like following the bouncing ball.

A nimatedf un
A ardvarkr omance
R esearch &i ntellectual
D evelopmentdiscourse
V oice
e ducation
A cceleration &n ews
R eal time d oubling
C ompositions enses

ac-cel-er-ate1 : to bring about at an earlier point of time 2 : to add to the speed of. 3 : to hasten the ordinary progress or development of. 4 : to enable (a student) to complete a course in less than usual time b : to speed up (a course of study) 5 : to cause to undergo acceleration ~ vi 1 : to move faster. 2 : to follow a speeded-up educational program
Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary, p. 4

com-po-si-tion 1 a: the act or process of composing; specif: arrangement into proper proportion or relation and esp. into artistic form b: the work of a compositor. 2 a : the manner in which something is composed b: personal constitution: MAKEUP c : the qualitative and quantitative makeup of a chemical compound. 3 : mutual settlement or agreement. 4 : a product of mixing or combining various elements or ingredients. 5 : an intellectual creation: as a : a piece of writing esp : a written exercise in school b : a written piece of music esp. of considerable size and complexity c : a work of art whose elements are combined artistically 6: the quality or state of being compound--com-po-si-tion-al
Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary, p.170


Sample Songs & Poetry

He Knows Why
Prophets, Priests and Kings
Oh What A Beautiful Morn!
Star Light, The Savior's Night
She IS The Dancer
We Truely Are Blessed
I Got The Job, Honey!
3 Strands, UnCommon Cord
60 Days Until We're Wed
It's For Real
Only For Your Eyes
Before Jules

He Knows Why©
The orb hanging high knows the reason why that I'm feeling so lost and forlorn
For its cold on this ground and there's nary a sound as I walk on ahead in the morn.
Not a star in the heaven in sight, and I think of this day and my plight,
And my fears by the by, as I walk and I sigh as I'm carried through some days by fright.
But Wait! There is Heaven's delight, as at first but a glimpse in my site,
It is shining so bright, with a will and a might, that the orb must just stare and be quiet.
As my memories of cold, and the fears now are old, are melting away with the night
I look on with hope towards the day, remembering my Christ as I pray,
For it was He that was torn so that we were reborn
Paid the price, taking all sins away,
and He guards me within from the cold, and the fear,
and when memories to mourn enter in,
they are washed from my soul as I clearly have goals
as Christ Jesus is kept in my sight.
01 Feb 1999 0710

©all poetryA.A.R.D.V.A.R.C.& friends

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Prophet, Priest & King©
Poems and prayers and wishes too,
reminders of sweet times with you,
but blinders kept can hinder woo
from a poet or a king.

Hopes and promises and dreams,
left unsaid are mental schemes, to float through stormy nights it seems,
requires faith untold.
To climb each rung to greater heights,
to find our strength with all our might,
to reach the peace and our requiet as a sailor's test unfolds.

For Jesus walked upon the sea,
and stilled the winds eternally,
He sacrificed for you and me,
for poets, fools and kings.
He gave His love and shed for thee,
so from our sins we were set free,
to live as we were meant to be
with the promise that He brings.

So take these words upon this page
and know the dawning of His age
to come and loose the chains and cage
from prophets, priests and kings
and listen to the words of old,
to be now counted with the bold,
to hearken to the truth foretold
by the wisemen, king, and sage.
0050 05Jan99

©all poetryA.A.R.D.V.A.R.C.& friends

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Oh What A Beautiful Morn!©
Oh what a beautiful morn with sunshine a chance to be born,
not a cloud in the sky (nor a reason) why not enjoy such a beautiful morn.
The moon was so full and ever so bright with a brillance as white as the snow
that as geese overhead honked where ever their lead,
it was only our God who would know.

The walk was such a delight, with my pup on his leash to my right,
and the ground sparkled so with the frost and the snow like pure sugar thats caught in the light.
The air was so crisp to begin, I could hardly get enough taken in,
but try as I might,
must have been such a sight,
as my breath plumed past lips to my head.

The birch of the trees dressed so tight, in the cold they all looked such a fright,
but no rustle of leaves to allow them to grieve for the bird songs arose to new heights.
Now the moment had come for the sun, as it peaked over valley to run,
as it's rays touched the ground, the birds made their sound
of pure joy from the warmth that was done.

Now the geese overhead made a right, in formation what a beautiful sight!
There were sixty or so, they were all on the go, honking loudly to welcome the morn.
So I hurried to write down these words, to remember this day and the birds
just to savor this day, and to thank God and pray,
for His blessings and the chance to be born.

03 Jan 1999 09:10

©all poetryA.A.R.D.V.A.R.C.& friends

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Star Light, The Savior's Night©

Star bright, this Christmas night, memories of love's delight,
Reckoning the blessed sight, Jesus Christ was born.
Frankincense, gold and myrrh, gifts to noble birth that were
delivered in a humble thresh, foretold of babe assure
the virgin birth, this Savior child, prophesy of meek and mild.
The ancients testament reviled by philosophers and kings.

Born to reign Gentile and Jew, who would have thought, just those who knew,
Christiandom began and then it grew from our Savior, God and King.
Stars above and earth below trembled mightly to show, power held in His command
He could choose most anything. Yet humbled to His Father's love, He made the Peace
Righteous above His pleas in prayer to spare the cup, he took it all the same.

Bearing sin he set us free to live with Him eternally, Oh how I thank Him
prayerfully, My Savior, God and King. So looking at the stars at night I think
of wise men within their sight, as we go daily thru our plight, our hope and
grace remain, upon the Savior, God and King born on that day and then his pain
we focus now upon His reign beneath the stars pure light.

©all poetryA.A.R.D.V.A.R.C.& friends

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She Is The Dancer©

She has a strength about her!

You can see it through her fears, and it’s there behind the tears, pouring through those many years,
she’s a true survivor.
But it’s come with heavy price, living each day as a slice, shutting down as cold as ice
Till I'd revive her.

She has done it on her own, with a brightness that is shown, and in detail she has grown,
but life’s been frightful.

When I met her years ago, I could tell she’d lived with woe,
but I knew that she would grow
and it’s been delightful.

To watch her through our days, when as a woman with her ways, working daily with repays to keep life growing.
She would reach from deep inside, never caring to abide, from herself she may have lied,
from herself she’d often hide, while she weathered stormy tide, abuse unmatching:
All the lifetime’s fears and dreads, all the “said and should’ve said”,
all the made an unmaid beds without the healing,
left her spinning towards the ground, while she’d hidden even sound
as life took it’s daily pound, her resilience did resound,
from deep within her.

So as a mother and a wife, as a woman filled with life, she has met and conquered strife with love abounding.
Seeking solace for the times, solving riddles, reading rhymes, making payments, only dimes,
till there’s solutions.
Taking all that truly gives, living every day that lives, sifting choices through the sieves,
there’s no dilutions.
For the meat in life is there, as she tries hard to repair and you know she gives a care,
Love keeps her going.

So those who love her all their best, give her time and needed rest, she is family not a guest,
and love’s in knowing:
that when we’re the hardest to be loved, times come up when we’re ungloved, when we bite when we are shoved,
it’s not the answer.
But the kindness that we’re shown, is returned when we have grown, and when love is truly known,

She IS the dancer.

On the occasion of my 45th B-day for my sole mate Julie whom I truely admire

©all poetryA.A.R.D.V.A.R.C.& friends

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We Are Blessed ©

We may not have the money, honey, but we're living by His will,
And He gives us peace to live each day as we figure out each bill,
What portion we can give to them, until the payments made,
To juggle pay, it's this for that, until we get His aid.

So stretch the pennies now my love, abundance will be thine
where ere we count our blessings loud, they'll see it as a sign
that how we live within our means will tell our story clear
in truest form, outside the norm, with Him we're always near.

So take our sum, except His tithe, and live the life on high,
For finding what He wills for us, will help us bye the bye.
No matter what the cost will take or what is spent in time
Remember with His guidance ours, the moments are devine.

©all poetryA.A.R.D.V.A.R.C.& friends

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I Got The Job, Honey!©

I got the job Honey! Boy this makes my day,
We'll fix the house up when we get that pay,
We'll pay those Dr. bills and the dentist too,
We'll find a way to get ahead, that's what I say.

We'll climb right out of debt as the green comes through,
We'll build this family right, from just me and you.
We'll take these tiny steps until leaps and bounds
We'll weather the tribulation, all the ups and downs.

Just take this walk with me, by His guiding hand,
Let us hold on dearly love, while we make our stand.
Tell our friends we're gonna make it, with some faith and prayer,
Let them cheer us on, or just stop and stare.

Cause you know we live it, every passing day.
And I know that with you and me in it, love will find the way.
So rejoice and be glad we're happy, through the thick and thin
For I know with His grace we begin it, we can only win.
26OCT98 2110
On the occasion of my first day on the job at Sykes.

©all poetryA.A.R.D.V.A.R.C.& friends

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3 Strands, UnCommon Cord©

They came inside a plain brown box delivered by the mail,
Their message yet to be revealed to those and tell the tail.
That tells of love's beginnings at the alter of our Lord
When two hearts join together with three strands of uncommon cord.

The first chord of the Spirit holds forever gifts on high
When our sights are focused on Him, lifts us always towards the sky.
The second from the Son of God, salvation's eternal cry,
Will keep us close besides Him holding us until we die.
The third and final strand of strength (from Father God we eye)
Binds together this, His chord of life, given freely, not to buy.

So with His invitation, JulieAnn's and yes, there's mine,
Come join with us in sharing joys that can only be divine.
We'll state our vows felt deeply at His altar as a sign
That to share our lives completely, (echoed sweetly by design)
We're tied as one so neatly, bound so freely with His love.
That from this day, worn on our hearts, like a hand inside a glove.
13 June 1998, just 35 days before we wed.

©all poetryA.A.R.D.V.A.R.C.& friends

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60 Days Until We're Wed©

So filled with anticipation and the thoughts of loving you
(I picture us together) and old feelings start anew.
It seems the year has been a flash, and yet our past grows on
for when loving you is the answer the questions yet unanswered
have our hopes that come with dawn.

Imperfect as our faults will show, His blessings we shall share
for with every passing hour and day we can live how much we dare.
With the promise of the morrow and the coming of the days
when we become as man and wife and share His guiding ways
We will come unto His alter and pledge as man and wife
the love we give, to share and hold as He gives us our new life.

So take this man, eternally, for yours to have and hold
and I will take you as my wife as I will be so bold
to reign our lives with guiding hands into our Master's mold
and mix the best we have to give with the manna of His fold.

On the occasion of our 1st year Engagement 20 May 1998

©all poetryA.A.R.D.V.A.R.C.& friends

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It's For Real©

What do you see when you close your eyes?
Where are those dreams that you've never let fly?
Whose are those arms for all you have to give
to be held for all times and give you reasons to live?
When will you know it is time for romance
or to just let it go and pass by this chance
that failed all the test for you were not in a trance
but still looking
for that glance
and the glow
that would tell you
you know?

It's for real.

The answers are simple, not as tough as they seem
for when I close my eyes it's on you that I dream
and the joy that I cling to, every breath that I take
hopes in arms that are mine do your joys partake,
for you to be mine and all others forsake
yes the pleasures all ours in the love that we make.
Now for romance to start we have chosen the art
of trust, hope, and humility.
As we act on this chance
we will look for the glance
and the glow, and the know
of reflections between you and me
as we stare in our eyes
and see

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Only For Your Eyes©

Words are written on this page but taken from the heart
their message sends their hope complete, with you we'll make a start.
A wedding planned, a future bold, for you and me, to have and hold
will crystallize with coming days, will find us sharing closer ways
of filling holes so incomplete with guidance leading from His seat,
His throne, seeking always every day His crown!
Keeping feet on hallowed ground,
our souls allowed to soar,
we pledge our love to Him
and lives forever more.
Only for your eyes, my love, His witness freely makes
as Julie Ann, yes my beloved takes
the name I wish to share our days
left here upon this earth
play witness to our Savior's birth
as the love He gives we share our worth
to one another, never any other
by the means reserved for man and wife
what we deserve for now, each day and life.
Wayne Jones for Julie Ann Lasher(Jones) 12-25-1997 9:05a.m.

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Julie Ann©

JulieAnn, my JulieAnn, with this passion I'll be bold
for what I wish these many days is to have you and to hold
forever all you have to give, as a mother and wife,
I dream to share my love with you as we join and build a life.
Our start was in that instant when you gave to me your heart
and looking back at you, that day, I did and still impart
the hopes and dreams of years to come, in the arms of one another
to build upon the love we share, when we dare to show each other
that whats mine to give and hours to care will reveal the common goals
sewn together with our souls, in Christ we'll join His roles.
Now as life takes up it's measure we will answer all it's tolls,
with the knowledge we will treasure, every pleasure, every slice,
with the blessings only His to give, as we grow as wife and man
to conceive His better plan, in Him always take our stand
we are safe, secure in every way, guided hand in hand His ways
as we join with one another, man and wife, in lover's gaze.

©all lyricsA.A.R.D.V.A.R.C.& friends

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A A R D V A R C & friends

Keywords: songs, singing telegrams, poetry, lyrics

AARDVARC & friends is a singing telegram service currently developing songs, animation, music, lyrics, poetry and karaoke where the hackey-sack being used by the aardvark to be like following the bouncing ball.


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Updated 06 Feb 1999 2119