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Confessing Movement Information

Thank you for your interest in the Confessing Movement. The Confessing Movement is a witness by United Methodist lay men and women, clergy and congregations who pledge unequivocal allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ. This faith centers on Jesus Christ, fully God and fully man; and on His life, death, resurrection, ascension, and promised return as attested in Holy Scripture.

Our purpose is to contend for the apostolic faith within the United Methodist Church and seek to reclaim and reaffirm the church’s faith in Wesleyan terms.

We are United Methodist within the United Methodist Church. We intend to stay within the United Methodist Church. The Confessing Movement is not asking for a new definition of faith, but for a new level of integrity in upholding our historic doctrinal standards in a thoughtful, serious and principled way.

We pray for renewal in United Methodist Churches and conferences.

You are invited to join us in this cause for Christ Jesus. We encourage you to be a volunteer for the Confessing Movement.

You can contact us (official) by email

Patricia Miller, Executive Director
The Confessing Movement within the United Methodist Church
7995 East 21st Street
Indianapolis, IN 46219

PHONE: (317) 356-9729
FAX: (317) 356-9742
