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Every month or so the Fanclub will be having a poll. Make you votes today!

What is Your Favourite "Harbinger" song?
Black Boots
Dear Gertrude
Garden Of Eden
Happy Home
Hitler's Brothers
I Am So Ordinary
Oh John
Our Revenge
Saturn Girl
She Can't Feel Anything Anymore
The Ladder
Watch The Woman's Hands
View Results

What is your favorite "This Fire" song?
Feelin' Love
I Don't Want To Wait
Nietzchie's Eyes
Road To Dead
Throwing Stones
Where Have All The Cowboy's Gone?
View Results

What is your Favourite "Amen" song?
Be Somebody
God Is Watching
I Believe In Love
La Toyna
Rhythm Of Life
Suwannee Jo
View Results

Results of Moving Poll:

  • Happy for Her -- 6 votes or 60%
  • Sad to see her Go -- 1 vote or 10%
  • L.A. will be good for her -- 1 vote or 10%
  • Should Intice her creativity -- 1 vote 0r 10%
  • Only good can come out of it -- 1 vote or 10%

    Results of Paula Cole/Jill Sobule Tour Poll

  • 1 person voted "no" or 16%
  • 0 People voted "Not Sure"
  • 2 People voted "Hope To" or 33%
  • 1 Person voted "Yes" or 16%
  • 2 People voted "Isn't It Obvious" or 33%

    Results of Paula's Poll's

  • 32 Votes casted for Favourite Amen Song
  • I Believe In Love, (11 votes or 34%)
  • Pearl, (8 votes or 25%)
  • God Is Watching, (2 votes or 6%)
  • Rhythm of Life, (4 votes or 13%)
  • Other, (7 votes or 22%)

  • 21 Votes casted for 1st Paula Cole Concert
  • Lilith Fair, (11 votes or 52%)
  • Lilith Fair II, (1 vote or 5%)
  • H.O.R.D.E. Fest, (1 vote or 5%)
  • Solo, (5 votes or 24%)
  • Other, (3 votes or 14%)

    Results of new Poll

  • 24 votes casted,for favourite song.
  • I Don't Want To Wait, (5 votes or 21%)
  • Throwing Stones, (8 votes or 33%)
  • Happy Home, (1 vote or 4%)
  • I'm So Ordinary, (5 votes or 21%)
  • Where Have All The Cowboy's Gone, (5 votes or 21%)


    Lilith Fair is about to undergo it's 3rd season, If Paula Cole opt's to go on a solo tour instead of Lilith, what artist would you like to see open for her?

  • week ending Apr.2,'99: Celine Dion(1) /Ani DiFranco(1)
  • week ending Apr.23,'99: Celine Dion (1)/Ani DiFranco (1)/Imogen Heap (1)/
  • week ending May 28,'99: Celine Dion (1)/Ani DiFranco (1)/Imogen Heap (1)/Madonna (1)/

    Email your favourite to

    Last Months Question Was:
    What Cover Song Would You Like To Hear Paula Sing?

    Songs submited were,1.Big Yellow Taxi,2.Dream A Little Dream,3.He Reminds Me, and 4.I Could Drink A Case Of You.

    Previous Months Question was:
    What is your favorite one liner from a Paula Song??

    " I am not the one who laughs at people's jokes,I just pacify their egos "

    Past Months Question was:
    Do you think that the Grammys were fair (Based on an Artist's overall ability rather than popularity??)
    Mail either Yes or No to:
    The Final Results are:
    Yes: 39%
    No: 61%

    Back To The Fanclub Page
