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Reviews of Paula's Concerts & Music

Listen to a Paula Cole interview on a site called, it's "KCRW's" radio show called "On Morning Becomes Eclectic".
It was recorded back in Oct.28,'97.
But for those of you that might not have heard it, here's the link.
It's in Real Audio format.

Paula Cole/Jill Sobule Review


This one comes from Amber, who attended the concert in Ft.Wayne,In.
Hey Paula fans!!!!!
I went to the show last night in Ft. Wayne, IN.
Paula was great. Although she cut three songs from her intended set list she still put on quite a show.
The bar was very small and intimate.
I was sitting against the stage near the center. It was the closest I have ever been to Paula while she preformed (I'm talking like 5 feet away).

Her set list was:

Happy Home
Throwing Stones
I Believe In Love
God Is Watching

Feelin Love Black Dog

I Don't Wanna Wait

She cut Hitler's Brothers, Be Somebody, and Carmen!!!!
The only reason I can think that she cut those songs is because she was telling us after the show that she fell down the night before.

Jill Souble was very good as an opening act.
She was shaking incredibly bad but was a kick ass performer.
Her songs are funny yet very true and some of them are just sad.
She came up to us after her soundcheck and told those of us in the front to cheer loudly for her because it was her first night on the tour and no one knew who she was.
I cheered alright but because she was great and very funny. I just hope she sings the Kathie Lee Gifford song for every show.

We talked to Paula after the show and did the whole picture thing.
It was cool she staid out and talked to us for a good 25-30 min.
I am finally getting to the point where I can talk to her without freaking out so I can actually talk when I meet her.

Overall it was a great show and a great night.



This from fanclub member "Em"

I have a special Paula story to share: I was really bummed out because I'm not 18 and I'm in Boston. The only show is scheduled to play was at the Avalon and it was 18 + so I couldnt go. I was starting to accept it.. but it was still upsetting.

That was on a Wednesday night. That Monday when I came home from school one of my friends had called and said one of the local radio stations was having her peform at something called "The Mix Lounge" the following day.

This is a mini lunch time concert in the radio's staff lounge. My best friend and I are both humoungous Paula fans.. so we both sat by our radios for hours that afternoon.

You had to be caller 18 when they played a Paula song. By the time 9:00 had rolled around and I was into my 6th our hour of trying.. it was getting hopeless. I decided it would be the last try.

I was callers 1 and like 9...but of course not 18.. I was so bummed. I had just put the phone down when it rang and it was my friend. She had won! We were so excited we got to go the next day.

It was at the radio station. The best part was there were only 20 listener tickets given out! So we were litterally 2 feet in front of her. Also the press was there and taking pictures and everything so we could take all the pictures we wanted!

She played 3 songs: Jolene- i liked this one a lot.. probably my fav.. its such a great song for her live Where Have All The CowBoys Gone- a classic Paula song.. her facial expressions for it are adorable! Be SomeBody- Very powerful live.. an amazing song. Definately a memorable experience! -Em


From Sara in Australia:

I got a chance to see her perform at the Hi-fi Club in Melbourne!!

I had never seen Paula live before - and OMIGOD is she is awesome, I love her stuff off the CD's, etc but seeing her live and I was standing so close to her I could reach out and touch her was a new experience all in itself - It has just given me this new found admiration for how fantastic she is!!

The set list was as follows: Rhythm of Life Mississippi Pearl Amen Where have all the cowboys gone I Believe in Love Me I don't want to wait she then came off and then came back on again and did Feeling Love God

--At one stage I was standing right near the lighting guy and he had a set list in his hand which also had Ordinary and La Tonya down, but for some reason she didn't end up doing them - which I was kinda pissed about as they are my fav songs at the moment!!

The actual place where the concert was set was very small and there was only about 150- 200 other people there - so it was very intimate, someone earlier posted that Paula's concerts are only as good as her crowd - well the crowd was really getting into it- and as a result you could see that paula was really enjoying herself, along with the rest of the band.

Feeling Love went for about 10 mins - they turned it into a mini jazz thing, where each member of the band did there thing- which was FANTASTIC!! At the end I think Paula nearly broke the sound barrier - she can carry her voice for so long....damn she is amazing.

Umm what else? Oh She turned WHATCG into sounding more like ROF- talking/rapping the verses and then singing the chorus like she usually does.

She talked a fair bit to the crowd in between songs, umm what can I remember? Oh before Amen she said some songs just come to you really fast - others take ages, but that Amen was a song that just came to her, and she loves it so much that she had to name the album after it. She did the "I love Australia and Melbourne soo much - you guys are just the best! me and the band want to move down here and live here" To which the crowd just went wild too...she also said that she had been wanting to come down here for so long but it took a TV show to get her there (this was her appearance on Hey Hey its Saturday - she played IBIL)

Overall it was so damn good I am still walking on clouds, the songs from Amen which I sorta half/half liked (particularly Rhythm of Life and God) I now love...damn I am now having concert withdrawals - you know when you look forward to something so much and then it is over? Well that is what I am experiencing!!

On another note the guy Adam also didn't know when Amen and IBIL single were being released in Australia - they are both released now. There is two versions of Amen, one with a bonus track of Feeling Da Love with Missy Elliot, and the other one has the normal Amen with a bonus disk - which includes a new version of IDWTW, Feeling Da Love, Live piano version of Ordinary and another non album song called Night.

Hope I have been some help!! --Sara B

I had the great fortune of seeing Paula Cole at The Bowery Ballroom in NYC. It was a fabulous show. The opening act was also incredible...Hassan Hakmun. He is an very energetic African artist. Paula very much seemed to be a fan of his....I think it would be of interest for anyone to check it out. The show was amazing she did almost every song off of AMEN. She added her signiture "Beat Box" to Rhythm of Life. I love it when she does that. Despite my yelling at the end of the show she didn't do Dolly Partons....Jolene. But she did dedicate I Am So Ordinary to her fans that have been with her from the beginning.

I have been a fan from the very beginning. I managed a store in West Chester, PA when her first album came out. I had already seen her twice singing back-up for Peter Gabriel and fell in love with her CD instantly. I even hosted an in-store appearance with her! She was so very nice and we created a crowed of more than 200. I have followed her ever since. She is a beacon of Love and I feel her music teaches. I'm not an obsesed fan....I don't fall at her feet when I meet her. I feel that she is a good soul and has a gift. And for that I appreciate Paula Cole. Thank you for sharing your music Paula.



Hi! First of all, all those Sydney-siders that didn't make it to the show on thursday the 4th, you missed out on one hell of a show! The show at the Metro was brilliantly performed by all the members of the band! Well Done Guys! It was worth waiting for, but now that I have seen it, I want to see it all over again! Especially meeting up with the band again!!! Thanks for the autographs guys, and especially to Jay!



"Amen" review, from my hometown paper. (wasn't kind!).

Paula Cole's "Amen" 2-1/2 stars. For fans yearning for Paula Cole's latst release, don't be fooled by Amen. This is something quite different.Along with a newly christened moniker-the Paula Cole Band-a lot more has changed.

Her third and latest release tries to be a soul or funk or disco album and it fails on all counts.Beat box interjections and hip-hop stylings, an exciting undercurrent in Cole's previous releases, have taken over here.

Amen is punctuated by electronic rhthms, interrupted by tough-talking raps, even intercepted by Mariah Carey-like screeches. Be Somebody pushes it over the edge by showcasing TLC sound-alikes for backing vocals.

We knew how soulful and crisp Cole's voice was when it was understated and are disappointed by this.

Still, we get a glimpse of the Cole we remember in the last two tracks-- Suwannee Joe and God Is watching--when Cole blends original,groundbreaking music and instrumentation with touching, socially aware lyrics.

Cole should leave the preaching to the so-called divas and go back to impressing us with herself.

Taken from the Windsor Star.


"Amen" reviewed by: Michael Snyder of
The pressure to follow up a success as massive as Paula Cole's double platinum recording,
This Fire, may have gotten to the singer/songwriter and keyboardist.

Coming in the wake of This Fire, her third album, Amen, has none of the fresh idiosyncratic flair of
the previous collection's hit single "Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?" Nor does it have a song as
appealing and immediate as "I Don't Want to Wait," the bittersweet piano ballad that became
identified as a theme for the teen-skewed WB television drama, "Dawson's Creek."

You can blame Cole for any shortcomings on Amen, despite its being released as a band effort with
drummer Jay Bellerose and guitarist Kevin Barry. It was written in its entirety by Cole, who also is
listed as the record's producer.

Not to suggest that there wasn't a conscious attempt to make a commercially viable project here. It leads off with the single,
"I Believe in Love." It's a string-drenched throwback to Gamble & Huff's Philly-soul sound with just a touch of lush, Jimmy
("Wichita Lineman") Webb–style orchestration. Lyrically, it's about as deep as a Mac Davis tune or any number of those
assembly-line R&B ballads that Babyface or R. Kelly crank out.

Then, you get the title tune. At first, the melody and arrangement are engaging. Cole's greatest asset
— her dusky voice with its poignant edge — glides over gleaming electric and acoustic guitars and a perky drumbeat. And
then the lyrics turn pretentious, as Cole gets into a nonsensical (zen?) listing of everything from Saddam Hussein and
Republican witch-hunts to Betty Page and the right to die — all given the singer's benediction.

But Alanis Morissette already did something like this on her song, "Thank U." Maybe they swapped notes at Lilith Fair.

On "La Tonya," Cole means to depict a tragic inner-city circumstance in the first person. It may be sweetly sung but it still
seems bogus. She's much more in her element on the empowering relationship number, "Pearl" until you hear her sing,
"Gotta face my Steppenwolf — gotta drag it through the mud." Yeesh! Nice guitar from Barry, though.

She's got a hell of a voice, but when you hear it in the service of such banal lyrics, it seems like a real waste.

"Free" attempts to tap into the bittersweet vibe of "I Don't Want to Wait." The reed sound that ignites "Suwannee Jo" is
intriguing, until Cole makes her entrance and contrives more dark, urban tale-spinning.

The most unintentionally hilarious moment on the album has to be "Rhythm of Life", a slow-grooving
number that begins with a bit of scratching from DJ Premier of the rap group Gang Starr. The fun really starts when Cole
does her white-girl rap about "the critics and the cynics that don't understand the lyrics" and then sings that she "began as Isis
the high priestess."

All hail mighty Paula!

Paula Cole March 2nd, 2000 Asheville, NC Be Here Now

First off, you'll have to forgive me. It's been a few weeks since I went to the show, so the details are pretty sketchy.

Be Here Now is a tiny venue in the town of Asheville, NC. I had never really been to Asheville before other than passing through the outskirts to visit the Biltmore House (if you've seen the movie Richie Rich, that's the house) when I was younger. Anyway, Asheville is a really great town, sort of a miniature Boston surrounded by mountains. My mom and I had no idea where the venue was other than the street names, so we were very lucky to enter the downtown area and spot the tour buses after a few minutes. We ended up parking a street over at a church, and made our way up to the entrance.

By this time there was already a pretty long line, so I was a little disappointed, thinking since it was general admission we wouldn't get a good spot. Finally, once we got inside and I had checked in with the people there (I was the contest winner for that show), we made our way to the stage. Most of the people that were already inside had taken a spot at bar stools on the other side of the room, and the others were sitting around on the floor, pretty far back from the stage. The very front was open, so I sat down front and center as my mom stopped to get a Coke.

The audience was very relaxed... usually I dread general admission shows because people are so pushy and there's always some kind of argument between drunk people. We all sat indian-style for Peter Stuart's performance, which was absolutely fantastic. He seemed to dig that we were all relaxed and intent on listening, with the exception of the usual drunk crowd in the back. Before his last song he made an amusing remark towards all the people talking in the back (which for the life of me I can't remember, but it was hilarious) and thanked all of us in the front for being cool and giving him a chance.

Peter left the stage, and we waited a while, and when the announcer finally came out we all stood up. I had a great spot leaning against the trunks that they were using as a barricade, a little to the right of where Paula would stand. If I leaned over the amp a bit I could see the set list.

The venue had strange lighting, very well lit, so as Paula and the band made their entrance, they could see us all. She smiled and thanked us graciously as we all went crazy cheering for her, then introduced Jolene by talking about Dolly Parton. I think this song makes an amazing opening number.

Paula and the band ripped through an amazing set: Jolene Amen Throwing Stones Pearl Mississippi Believe Tiger Cowboys Me Feelin' Love Hitler's Brothers I Don't Want To Wait

I can't remember which it was, but there was a song she played piano on sort of early in the show... either Throwing Stones or Mississippi. But after this song, I was cheering and clapping like anyone else, and for some reason she looked at me and as she was coming back to the center of the stage, she walked over to me and reached for my hand and smiled at me. I don't know why she did that, but she didn't reach for hands again until the end of the show, when she went along the front and shook everyone's hand, including mine again. That just made the night for me.

Unfortunately I can't remember many details about the set other than that, but the only thing I was disappointed about was that Suwanee Joe wasn't included. I remember the second time I saw Paula, that was the opening song, and she played the clarinet. Her vocals on that song just blew me away, and I was hoping to see her perform it again.

Other than that, everything was great, it was an absolutely amazing performance. Her voice was flawless, and the band was so talented, and they were all so into it! It always bothers me when I go to a show and someone in the band just stands there looking bored. I was thoroughly impressed by them all, and especially Miss Paula. ;) This was my 4th time seeing her perform, and I swear each time only underscores my initial conclusion that she is a shockingly underrated performer.

