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Learn about ME!!! GUILD of SOUL



Hi there! I'm Rev."D" the advisor/teacher in the guild of the SPIRIT. The first step in any spiritual venture or "Quest" as I like to call it is to get to know who you are. As it is written above the temple doors at Delphi ....."KNOW THYSELF."
This first step of trying to find out who you are can often at times be the most difficult to take. This is because for the last 2000 years society, or more specifically "organized religion," has done an excellent job of hiding the TRUTH behind a veil of fear. Fear of the Divine. Fear of pride. Fear of questioning the Divine. This has made it difficult for anyone who wants to question what has been taught.

Knowing who you are is not very "profitable" to the mainstream religions because then your need for them is somewhat diminished (and consequently so are their coffers!) Organized religion, as we have come to know it over the last 2,000 years, has been concerned with controlling its members and running the business of religion as a corporation which cannot be challenged. This has led to many people "losing their religion."

I believe that it is time for our belief systems to evolve to the next level away from that of being told, "we are at the mercy of the Divine" to, "we rejoice with the Divine in this World system." The time for self punishment is over. The Divine is all loving and all forgiving. It’s time for us to forgive ourselves and rejoin the Divine as it was always intended. Therefore, spirituality should now replace materialism as the true focus of religion. And wisdom should replace fast talking and "bible thumping" as the motivator towards peace and joy in our hearts.

Of the 4 guilds to be found at this web site only the guild of the Soul deals with those things that happen after death. The Soul is the only part of you that passes on after the body dies and the mind ("Brain" not to be confused with consiousness) ceases to function. So obviously we need to cultivate the soul in order to assure a "pleasant" afterlife. Consequently because it is hard to understand and easily forgotten, the soul does not get as much consideration as the body and mind. Hopefully we can remedy that here! I will continue to increase the content of this guild and if there is anything you would like me to cover you can E-mail your requests to:Vajra Also every month I will publish a new article called, "The Truth of the Month" which can accessed here or from a search of the main directory.

Bless you.




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