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Bassfreak's Webpage

Hello! My name is Chris. I am just a normal college guy with too much time on my hands. I am attempting to get back into this whole webpage thing after a few month lay off. It seems that this thing will always be under some sort of construction. I have been debating on doing several new things so keep checking back. I enjoy wasting my time doing the following things.....

Definitely check these out!

Finally some PICS!!! These are of our youth groups last trip.
Some more PICS! These are from the P.O.D. show I went to in Little Rock.
PICS of Winterfest 2000 (coming soon)
My music pages (just bands I like and some pics and info on them)
Current projects I am working on.
Bassfreak's gear of choice!
Music Worth Buying!!
My Webrings
Bassfreak's Chat... there is usually a lot of people on here.
This is my links page (links I like, and well... my friends pages as well)

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Message Board

I really would like this message board to be used for anything and everything... it allows me to communicate back to those who visit my site. So if you stop in and want to see how I'm doing or whatever, just leave a message and I'll respond... simple as that!


Click to go to P.O.D's site

Korn with P.O.D. coming to a European city near you!


4/05/00-- Started the horrendous task of updating this thing again.(Updated Projects)

4/17/00-- Updated the Gear of choice page and the music to buy page.

well I hope you enjoy my page... maybe you'll learn something, who knows? Have Fun!!! If you see something wrong tell me in the guestbook, e-mail me at the address below or through icq... my number is 101443062 or you can just use the pager below. Oh yeah... PLEASE SIGN THE GUESTBOOK OR MY MESSAGE BOARD!! That way I know who you are ok?

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Page an ICQ User
You can ICQ-Page me (bassfreak) as well as other people who have ICQ right from here with no additional software. That is ok, but you should really just go ahead and download icq... that way you will know if your friends are online and then you will be able to communicate directly with them.
Use of the ICQ Web Pager Panel is subject to Terms and Conditions


My real counter
is here to show the actual number of people visiting my site as we speak. No actually its kind of a joke because so many people like to change the numbers on there counter so we know how COOL they are!

Satan Sucks! Jesus Rocks! Jesus Rocks!

Racism Sucks! Abortion Sucks! Racism Sucks!

MTV Sucks!

In God?
