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Stuff About Me

other stuff about me:

Well... people say I'm really (really) shy when they first meet me. Which I guess is kinda true, but then they say I won't shut-up when they get to know me better =)

I know enough tagalog to make it seem like I speak it fluently even though I only know some phrases and the bad words =)

Definition of school: bustin ur ass studyin, writing papers until ur brain farts, and chillin' (mostly chillin though)

Definition of friends: people who you can talk to about anything, accept you for your own faults and always support you no matter how much crap you give them and that you are always willing to return the favor to those friends.

Definition of love: doing whatever it takes to make the person you care about happy and trust you more than anybody, even if it means sacrificing a few things here and there.

gosh i dont know what else to say so i guess thats it.......

Here are some links to some of my friends schools
University of San Diego
Palomar Community College

Links to Stuff

Main Page
Lyrics and Stuff
A Poem (Written by me of Course!)
My Pics
My Life Story..... hehehehe well sort of
