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Cranberries in concert - 23rd April - Paegas Arena - Praha - Czech Republic

Cranberries in concert - 23rd April - Paegas Arena - Praha - Czech Republic - 2002

Vanessa sent this concert review to several websites including this one, enjoy!:

HI, everybody fans and "cultors" of my GREATEST AND "LOVEST" FAVOURITE GROUP!!!!! DOLORES, FERGAL, MIKE, NOEL , YOU'RE GREAT!!!!!!!! And, Dolores, you're my "idol" since I was teen-ager. I cut my hair quite like you at 16een and now (24 ) quite again: I love your song and you're way of singing, and the music that all the group is able to create.. what such a feelings listening to your music!!!! what energy and also what sweetness!!!! My entusiasm is again at the top because I was at your concert in PRAHA, the 23rd of April, at PAEGAS ARENA: IT WAS A WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE !!!!

Once time again you've been gaving me something special.. for my soul!!

Thank you Dolores for your sweetness.. Do you remember? .. Do you still have the map of PRAHA on which a wrote to you a message , and also the other small block notes?.. I wanted to express you that you've been important for me, your songs , while I was a little teen-ager rebel in "her" soul. I found in your song a lot of what I felt.. and also I find a lot of what I feel , till now. Thanks.. what say? GREAT!!!!!

( Maybe One day we can take a coffe togheter, chatting and talking a little bit.. I 'd really like to meet and talk a little bit with you... Maybe, Maybe..

I like so much Ireland, ( i've been there at 14een), and celtic music and traditions...and .. the Guinnes is my favourite beer.. ah aha haa... What more??!! ) MY friend are also enthusiasthic of the concert !! A great show!! SURE!!!!

And now , we ,all, have a little "Cranberries' fever".. They and me search fotos, videos, shows, and lives, discs, songs.. ehehhehe

Cranberries in Praha

Maybe we're going to make a little music band ( i'll try to be the singer.. because a like it.. and if so .. They MUST make me singing some of your songs.. I'm joking.. : Dolores .. you had a really great voice and energy, "expressivity".. and the band all is great in music!!! )

I read on the official web site .. Fergal "toughts" about Praha.. I didn't know you've been stay there for some days..maybe we were along the same streets.. mmmm .. It's a romantic and melancholy city, nice.. don't you think?

I liked the band-support who opened the show : brain-storms ( is it correct?): .. and When we listened ... the intro of "Wake up.." our adrenalina become to rise.. and .. then the voice of Dolores starts.. and then WAKE UP _ WAKE UP :: it was an EXPLOSION!!!!!!!!!!! OF ENERGY !!!! GREAT!!!!!!

Dolores and her VIOLET BOA!!!

Cranberries in Praha
ALL THE SONGS , FOR ALL THE CONCERTS.. IN THE SWEET SONGS AND IN THE EXPLOSIVE ONES!!!!! and she was dancing really near us.. in front of us..running from one side to the another, and swinging her legs , and moving her hands, as she always do,( and nobody else does it), and as we see in the videos .. ( that for me was really great .. an emotion!!!) .. ( You 've got beautiful legs!! :o) , and your boots are your print!!) Fergal , you're nice!.. and your drums really exciting :O) ... Noel and Mike, greats!!!!!! guitars and bass: really flashes of adrenalina!!!!

I wished you gave us "some feathers " of Dolores' violet-boa.. :o) ehe eheh

Thank you for making so great music!!!!! And being so kindly!!!

A big KISS

(c) 2002 Vanessa

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