The Whole Lotta Angus Top Ten List

Well, the new AC/DC album FINALLY came out, Black Ice, and it's everything fans expected. Why did it take 8 years to complete? Here's a new Top Ten (Much like AC/DC themselves, I took 6 years to update LOL) Reasons Why Black Ice took 8 years. If you wish to complain about how lame these top tens are or you have better ideas please E-MAIL ME

TOP TEN Reasons Why Black Ice Took 8 Years to Complete

10)Angus couldn't find his shorts
9)Brian and Cliff were too busy writing music for a pot documentary (this is actually true!)
8)They were fucking with us
7)Hurricane Katrina (this could also be true, Brian and Cliff live in Florida, y'know)
6)With the price of cigarrettes going up, Angus had to take a second job to keep up his habit
5)Since he lives in New Zealand, Phil got chosen as an extra in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. He's Orc #23.
4)I hate to admit it, but they're getting up in their years. Maybe they forgot...
3)Someone in the band got a Wii...
2)It takes a while to come up with such original titles such as "Smash n Grab" and "She Likes Rock n Roll"
1)Too busy playing Guitar Hero and Rock Band, which also made them finally realize how awesome those games were and finally agreed to feature their music in Rock Band 2.

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