A Little Bit About Angus

Full Name: Angus McKinnon Young
Birthdate: 31 March 1955 (although the record company said it was 1959 to make him younger and appear more schoolboyish)
Birthplace: Glasgow, Scotland
Grew Up In: Sydney, Australia
Parents: William and Margaret
Siblings: George, Margaret, Malcolm, William, Alex, John and Steven
Instrument: Gibson SG guitar
Inspirations: Chuck Berry and Muddy Waters

Fun Facts

Angus is 5'2" tall
According to a live chat I read, Angus said his shoe size is a European size 37 1/2 (which is like a boys' 5-5 1/2 in America!) What small feet!
Angus got his first guitar at age 11, but he got his first SG when he was 15 (random note: I was also 15 when I got my first Gibson SG. Coincedence? Maybe...)
Angus left school at 15 (so much for higher learning)
According to a couple bios on other websites, Angus had a job for a while working as a printer for a softcore porn magazine. I'd believe it...
Angus' first band was called Tantrum. Quite a befitting name if you ask me.
In an interview at drdrew.com, Angus said he once had a job at a butcher's working the night shift making sausages. "I don't mind eating sausages, but making them is another thing entirely - especially when you know what goes into them!" Angus said, "It was kinda scary, having big pork eyes staring at you."
According to my friend Brian, Angus' wife Ellen is 5'8" tall!
Brian also told me that Angus' father raised his children up to be Athiest because at the time they were living in Scotland, they were close to all the religious turmoil in Ireland. Makes sense, I guess. I guess he believed if people have to fight over religion its not worth believing in or something...
A guy I met while doing community service named Terry told me that 2 of Angus' favorite shows were "Scooby Doo Where Are You?" and "Emergency!"
My friend Ariel says when a friend of hers met Angus, Angus told him that he only smokes John Players cigarettes. I have never heard of that brand. Perhaps it is not sold in America.
However, a young lady named Rosie emailed me to inform me that he smokes Benson and Hedges.
As much as Angus jokes about his small stature, he doesn't like being teased about it. So keep the hazing to a friendly level if you meet him.
Some new facts recently e-mailed to me by Alex K:
Angus' sister Margaret has quite a hand in the development of AC/DC, as some of you may know from past interviews and testimony on VH1's Behind the Music. She suggested the name AC/DC after reading it off her sewing machine (although some sources claim it was a vacuum cleaner) and knowing it referred to electricity. She suggested that Angus wear his uniform on stage, and she also made (still makes?) his custom schoolboy cap with the red "A" on it. Furthermore, those caps are patented bu Angus and you can't find replicas for sale anywhere!
Angus never drinks alcohol. I hear tea is his favorite beverage.
He recorded the song "Gone Shootin'" (Powerage, 1978) with a broken string. The string broke during practice and he liked the sound it made so much, he recorded the song like that.
Before he got a real guitar, Angus found an old banjo in the house and put guitar strings on it.
Thanks to Alex for e-mailing me so I could update this site for the firt time in like, 5 years!

Remember some of this stuff is only things I heard from other people, so they may not be 100% fact. Luckily, most facts are straight from Angus himself via interviews.Also, I need to re-read the AC/DC: Maximum Rock & Roll bio cuz I forgot most of what I read, then I can update with some more facts. If you have any more Angus facts or need to correct any of my facts here please e-mail me at Angus Facts

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