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Skynyrd Stories

This section is for those of you who want to share YOUR favorite Skynyrd memories and I will share some of mine from time to time. Feel free to email me with your stories but remember if you email them to me that AUTOMATICALLY makes me able to put it on the website. Please send you stories to the email addy below. (I will honor those who don't want their name published).

My favorite Skynyrd memory is of the Little Rock AR concert in 96. It was my first ever concert save for some kinda unkown band that played at a fish fry. So I was excited because it was my first real concert and it was Lynyrd Skynyrd, one of the bands I grew up listening to. So the band came out and was amazing, alot better than what I had expected because untill that night I had never heard Johnny VanZant sing. I always listened to the old stuff with Ronnie VanZant singing. So they're playing away on Free Bird and are really getting into the solo when some nutcase runs on stage, knocks Gary Rossington's ( I think it was Gary) hat off. The cops tackle him from both sides of the stage, one of them puts Gary's hat back on and Gary never missed a note. That was one of the best nights of my life and I will always remember that. ---- Allen Dozier
