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First of all, did you know that Dave Barry Talks Back is dedicated to us Alert Readers? Here is what it says:

This book is dedicated to all the Alert Readers who take the time to send me newspaper items about exploding toilets when they could be doing something meaningful with their lives.
-Dave Barry

From these words, this page was forged.

And What Grand Words They Are

Here is an autographed title page of Dave Barry Slept Here from when I met Dave. Look what he wrote about me! And that was before I came up with this web page. One can only imagine what he thinks about me now.

This Stuff is Great, Isn't It?

Well, now we know what he thinks! I sent Dave a letter informing him of this site, and this is the actual back of the plain white post card he sent back to me.

You don't believe I really met him? Well, here is a picture of me meeting him. Just click on it to enlarge it, non-believers.
Click Me!
If you have a picture of yourself with Dave, send it to me. I'll start a collection. If I ever figure out why this is important, I'll tell you. In the meantime, send your pictures!

I'm Not Kidding!