Beaver Fan Club



                 Welcome boys and girls to the Beaver Fan club!                            

But first things first,meet our new beaver mascot...

                                                              Biva,the albino beaver

                        We are honored to welcome him with loving beaver pats and hollers!

Now,down to business.As you are here,you are either in the beaver fan club or interesting in joining...or just a innocent person looking for beaver sex on the search engine and it led you here thanks to our ad on the top of the page(oh and by the way,visit our sponser).Either way,we are glad you are here and hope you find something that is interesting.

    Every year science uses at least sixty-nine innocent beavers for research on dentistry products,hair growth and removal products,and birth drugs.Poor beavers don't do anything wrong.If anything they help us in life.We should be praising them.Not making them take drugs.

    Who do you think gave the early Americans they ideas of how to build,or made them realize that they can use wood and not have to use stone or hay.They did.They gave us many ideas.One local newspaper in a small town really far away from here states that the beavers saved a boys' life.Obviously the boy had been swimming in a creek with a big waterfall and heavy currents and the beaver swam out into the lake and rescued him.he even brought the boy to his beaver home and chewed off his broke arm.Well we havent actually proven that his arm was broke,but I'm sure it was deseased or something,or else the beaver wouldn't have chewed it off.I think.Beavers can be friendly and helpful and traditional.Beavers are part of our American Heritage,almost as much as Abraham Lincoln.So I think they deserve more.We should make a beaver statue.Or a beaver monument,and show our gratitude towards our loving beavers.

   Recently there has been a question on whether certain 'imposters' were in fact beavers,and although they do in fact appear at first as beavers,they are still fakes.Here's an idea of what to look out for:

I know they look as different as can be but inside they are far apart.Never underestimate the un-beaver and the lengths he will go to so he can fit in with the beavers.If you have any questions email me.



Uncle Hyman
