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Here's my stories page....Every once in a while the story will change

I don't know what happened

One night along a dark and frighteningly quiet stretch of road a group of high school girls walked away from their broken down car. Huddled together as if to protect themselves from the wild beast that existed only in their young minds. Each girls eyes were wide and searching, as they surveyed the dark forest that surrounded them and shivered violently from the fear and chill of the night that filtered into their bones. Sharon, a wide-eyed brunette, stopped suddenly and screamed as she felt what seemed to be like a cold hand caress the back of her exposed neck, startling the other three girls with her. Sofia, Sharon's best friend, stared at Sharon with her lips slightly parted with fear and her blue-gray eyes large as saucers. As Sofia heard a husky male voice whisper her name softly in her ear, Ana, the youngest of them all, gasped as a wolf howls longingly into the night and began to worry the rings on her hands. B.J., a streetwise army brat, felt the first jolt of fear run down her spine since her ex-boyfriend was sent to jail for beating her within an inch of her life. Slowly the girls made their way down the road and hoped to find a house and a phone. B.J., who was almost always prepared, remembered that her keychain had a flashlight on them and slowed down to search her bookbag for the light. Quickly and silently something snatched B.J., maybe to silence her forever. Ana, noticed that B.J. was no longer with her friends, stopped Sharon and Sofia and asked them where B.J. had gone. Terrified both girls looked around them and then behind Ana and saw B.J.'s bookbag but not B.J. Crying as they ran to the bag and they saw a small trickle of blood next to it. Ana slowly picked up the bag and took out B.J.'s keys and flashlight. Slowly she turned on the light and shined it around herself and her friends hoping beyond hope that B.J. is near and ok. Ana swept the light back to Sharon and Sofia and noticed how pale her friends faces were. Wonderingly, she whispered the other girls names.

With a terrified scream, Ana saw a small trickle of blood run down the necks of her friends. As Ana watched with horrified fascination, the darkness swallowed up her friends even though they were in front of the flashlight beam. Stunned and terrified the night seemed to come alive around Ana as she stared at the spot where her friends had been only a few seconds before. Then feeling a sudden peace within herself, Ana calmly sat down in the middle of then road and cleared her mind of all the terrifying thoughts that filled her mind. Ever so slowly a white light seem to encompass Ana chasing away the shadows that were stalking her and trying to capture her the way they had her friends. Closing her glowing green eyes Ana consentrated on Sharon, Sofia, and B.J. drawing them back to her stealing them from the darkness and shadows of the night. One by one her friends started to re-appear before her and sat down in a circle around her. Lowering her head, Ana started saying a prayer to protect her and her friends from those that seeked to destroy them and then she raised her head and looked at Sofia, Sharon, and B.J. whispering "We are the trinidad and none shall harm or seperates us again, for we are one in mind, body and spirit and to try and destroy one is to bring the wrath of all upon You." Then calmly Ana stood and asked her friends to join her.

Suddenly not far in the distance a light came on, and the outline of a house was spotted, the girls grabbed one anothers hands and whispered "The Trinidad'" then ran joyfully to the house. Once they had reached the house, their eyes were bright and happy as they asked the gentlemen who had answered the door to use the phone and called Ana's mother and father to come and get them. Then went out onto the porch looking at one another they promise then and there to each other that only they would know what had happened and when they were asked about it they would answer "I don't know what happened" and keep "The Trinidad " themselves.

The End
(Or is it?)

LinkExchange Member

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here is my favorite poem
here is a wonderful poem by a woman named Rita Dove named DayStar
This is for all the college students out there!!!
