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My Testimony

"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised from the dead, thou shalt be saved."

-Romans 10:9

Lost?? Lost doesn't even begin to describe my life. I was searching for answers in all the wrong places. My life was going totally downhill.

No don't get me wrong. I had a "perfect" life. My family was very well off. I was popular and social. I have more "best friends" than anyone I know. I was voted "Most Intelligent" by my class. I was starter on the basketball team, and my dreams of becoming an actress had me doing well in chorus and art class, also. Then something happened...

I was "saved" by God after my grandfather died when I was 8 years old. Questions of death scared me and I didn't want to go to hell. I wanted be an angel... like I knew my grandfather was...

For the next seven years, I would struggle with my faith and my life, as I slipped into a suicidal depression... I would question whether or not there was a God- a heaven... and I would struggle to regain the life that I let my emotions and fears take from me. After two years, I regained my control of my life and I am now proud to announce that I have also finally made a very serious, very real commitment to my Lord and Savior. Only July 19th, 1998 I joined a church that has totally accepted me and I have been baptized in the name of my God.

I know my story isn't much. But I do hope someone will learn from my mistakes. I feel as if a load has been removed from my shoulders, and I pray that if any of you who have questions or comments will e-mail me... and I will tell you what I know and how you can feel this...feeling!
