Chris Tripp's Homepage

to Chris Tripp's Webpage. We hope that you will enjoy your stay here. We have a golf course, a pool, and a coctail bar. Be sure to not go down to our lake at night. We have a psycho killer that lives down there named Jason. But he isn't evil...just misunderstood. Let me begin, as your host, by telling a little about myself. My name is Christopher David Tripp. I am 24 years old. I attend UCA in Conway. I enjoy photography and I am a big romantic which my girlfriend always appreciates. I am someone who is devoted to my friends and family, and would go to the ends of the earth for them, and anyone else I care about.

Things are going fairly nicely for me. I am now in my final year of college, and school is actually going well this semester. Photography is still going well and I am enjoying myself very much. Things right now are going good. I have a job, and I have lost 20 pounds. I am studying to be a Professor of History. That's right, I will be one of those boring guys with the bow tie that tells you about things that you don't give a hoot about, but I will be doing what I love, and making a nice piece of doe too. Well, we could go on and on about me, but I suppose will talk about other things if we must.


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I tell ya. I have some of the best friends in the world. We won't mention last names due to this being the The Net, but just to mention some first names.

Heather-The Empress of the world and the sweetest one at that!
James-The great leader and friend
Eric-Has one of the sickest minds and one of the biggest hearts.
Jamie-You were born in outer space, but you must have originally come from heaven.
Kelly-One of the biggest smiles and one of the prettiest faces.
Angie-Your name says it all. Angie originates from the Italian word meaning Angel!
Stephanie-You have a big heart and a strong spirit when you are not physically hurting me!
Bo-You are sick and demented, but you are the best!
Rachel-I pick on you a lot, but only because I care!
Hannah-What can I say, I love you more than words can say! Even though I am better at photography than you!
Jessica-You are my #1 Gooberbutt.
Christi-You are and always will be my little sis'. I love you Christi girl.
Trisha-You are a weather weenie, but you are the best weather weenie I know!
For all the others I might not have mentioned..well...if we are friends than you are loved, because I am not friends with just anybody, but only people that I consider real special to me......SO DON'T GET AN ATTITUDE And now it is time for......

Chris's Movie Review

This is where I dedicate part of my webpage reviewing the new movies out for this month.

  1. Men In Black II- This is the sequel, of course, to the 1997 hit. Once again we find out favorite agents J and K back at it again fighting the scum of the universe. After a 5 year retirement, J must bring K back in due to certain knowledge he holds. I enjoyed this. Not as good as the first, but still a fun continuation of a a good story. I give a 7 out of 10
  2. Halloween Resurrection-Once again everyone's favorite killer comes back for more death and blood. Pretty much the same old thing. He kills people, they kill him, and he comes back in the end. The only good thing about this movie was Jamie Lee Curtis, and she was only in it for 5 minutes. 3 out of 10.
  3. Austin Powers in Goldmember-YEAH BABY..YEAH. Do I make you horney? Everyone's favorite 60's swinging spy is back to once again to battle with his arch nemisis, Dr. Evil. This was a good one. Not as funny as the other two, but still good. It lacked in certain parts, and used old jokes now gone stail, but it still held the charm the other two did. And I will add this to my collection when it comes out on VIDEO. I give it a 7 out of 1010.
  4. Reign of Fire-CHEAP JURASSIC PARK WANNABE! This movie sucked overall. Maybe a couple of good parts, but not enough to make it worth it. The best part was usually when someone got eaten. Don't waste your money on this folks. Just rent Jurassic Park instead. 2 out of 10.

Well, for all of you who have been waiting for me to update this thing. You should be happy at this point. I never thought I would get around to doing it. I hope all is well with all who read this. As for me. Life is good. I have a great life, good friends, my God, and all of my hair still. Lets hope it doesn't take me so long to update this thing again, but if it does, then just stay tuned, because I am never gone for good. I always return.

Christopher Tripp

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