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Hi, my name is Lisa and I am an Registered Nurse. All I ever wanted out of life was to become a nurse. I have always been a caring and nurturing person, aching when someone else hurts, and always wanting to help in any way that I could. I never believed that I would have trouble becoming a nurse. But I soon found out how hard Nursing School was. I just barely made it thru...*S*. But I did, and I am very proud of that accomplishment. I've heard people call Nursing a "noble" profession. But it was something that I felt I was called to do. I've always felt that it takes a special person to be a nurse. Not that I am bragging upon myself, but in school, I met plenty of people who were in it just for the money. That is the wrong reason to become a nurse. To all nurses out there, be proud and happy with ur profession. You worked hard for it.

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I am so proud of this award that I received. Thankyou!


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As I care for my patients today, Lord, I trust you to be there
with me. Give to my heart, compassion and understanding.
Give to my hands skill and tenderness, guided by your love.
To my ears, give the ability to listen, and to my lips,
words of comfort, that mean so much.
Give to me Lord...
strength for this selfless service and enable me to give hope
to those I am called to serve. Let your spirit shine thru in
all that I do so those in need may hear and feel you, and see you in me.

LE FastCounter

Here are some great Nursing Links I've found
Anneliese Garrison, RN...homepage full of nursing info!
National State Boards of Nursing
The Nurse's Internet Resource
Lippincott's Nursing Center

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