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My Causes

I am so glad u are visiting my causes page. These are
just a few causes that i have found that i care about..
there are so many out there. Please visit the pages and learn
more about them..

This Protecting Our Children site is owned by
LadieSassie .

Want to join the Protecting our Children webring?
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This Java Applet Banner will run continuously, displaying the 13 Missing Children Alert Cases. Clicking on the photograph will bring up the Alert 
Page with more information, and the ability to print posters. Clicking 
on the Marquee Message will connect to the NCMEC home page. 
This Missing Children's Ring site is owned by Lisa
Click for the Next Page || Previous || Next 5 || Join 
If the Ring is down, a complete listing of members' links are here. 
Newest Missing Alerts

Thru abuse, negligence, and murder, our children are being
taken away from thier homes and families...Please help stop this!!

Babies are such precious, innocent little blessings..!!
and yet so many adults take out their aggressions on them..
Why, Lord, why?!

Stop Domestic Violence....
this page is done by a fellow Caring Mom

This ribbon is dedicated to the lives lost in the shootings
at Westside Middle School in my home town, March 24, 1998 and also
to the Colorado victims, 1999, and all of the families.

Guestbook by GuestWorld