King Cool's Castle
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King Cool's Castle

Hello, my name is Ashley Brandon White. I have just started this webpage and I have recieved a lot of help from all of my friends. This web page contains just about everything. Music, Video Games, Sports, Televison Shows, Movies, Clubs, you name it we've got it. It is also all universal. From Star Trek to Doom we have it all, so stay a while and enjoy the many places that this web page had to offer. Please sign the guest book at the bottom so that I know that you have visited my webpage. I have just finished my new web site that is about Final Fantasy 7
and if you are a fan you really need to check it out!!! Also, if you like Star Trek, check out Star Trek 9
to find out about the most recent updates on the new movie. If you are a Castlevaina fan, check out CastleVania:Symphonies of the Night
to see all the stuff on Konami's new game. Remeber, my page is ALWAYS under construction.

My Totally Awesome Sites

Totally Awesome Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Homepages
Jeremy's Homepage
Chris' Homepage (The Bone)
Sandy's "Neato" Homepage
A great Star Trek page
The official webpage of Crystal Line
Jada's Homepage
The Ultimate Place on HTML- this is how I learned all I know about it
The Chatbox- another chatroom that I like

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Email: KingCool