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Freedog's IRC Home Page

Hello! Welcome to my web page!


This page is under constant construction!

I love to chat using IRC (internet relay chat) and you can usually find me on DALnet in #1-ircbar. I usually use the nick Freedog, but now Montegirl owns all my nicks.

I might even be found using any of the following nicks: Whoops I forgot, Montegirl owns them all, ask her what they were....haha!!

On this page I have included several links to some of my IRC buddies' pages, They are the ones who got me interested in doing this anyway. SO BLAME THEM!

The list of friends got way too long so I'm just gonna say a few words about my closest friends:

N3il: mah b0y! Neil has got to be the single coolest person on the net. Word up nig

Morbid_King: What can be said about David that hasn't already been said. So I'll leave it at this: he's weird.

Stop by sometime and check out the coolest cafe on DALnet.



This page last updated: Monday, October 19, 1998

If you have any suggestions for this page send them to me via the e-mail address below.

While you're here, please take a second to sign my guestbook.

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Links To My Friends Pages

Razorette's Page
The Official #1-ircbar WebPage
HockeyBabe's Place
Michey's Page
Tearz's Page
Xena's Page
Feathre's Page
JessikaLyn's Page
