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Arkansas Academy of Physician Assistants



Please print this form and complete it entirely.
Make checks payable to Arkansas Academy of Physician Assistants
Mail check and completed form to the address below.

NAME: __________________________________TITLE: __________________________
I prefer to receive mail at   HOME  WORK    (Please circle one.)

HOME ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________
                                                                     (Street Address)

                                           (City)                                                     (State)          (Zip code)

WORK ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________
                                                                     (Street Address)

                                           (City)                                                     (State)          (Zip code)
PHONE:  Home:(_____)__________________     Work:(_____)______________________
                   FAX:(_____)__________________     Email:____________________________

MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES (check only ONE category)

     _____   FELLOW MEMBER          $50/yr
                   Must be a graduate of an approved PA program or NCCPA certified and a Fellow
                    member of AAPA. NCCPA # __________ AAPA # ____________

     _____   AFFILIATE MEMBER          $50/yr
                   Same as Fellow, but need not be a Fellow of AAPA.
                   Cannot hold office or vote on matters pertaining to the AAPA.

     _____   SUSTAINING MEMBER          $50/yr
                   Non-practicing PAs or PAs practicing outside of Arkansas. Non-PAs wishing
                   to join are subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. Cannot hold
                   office or vote on matters pertaining to the ARAPA.

     _____   STUDENT MEMBER          $10/yr
                   Student in a CAHEA or CAAHEP accredited PA program.

     _____   PHYSICIAN MEMBER          $50/yr
                   Any Arkansas licensed physician.

Dues are paid annually for the period of 1 October through 30 September.


Would you like to be included in our membership directory?
                   Yes        No        (Circle One)

Are you a member of another constituent organization (chapter, specialty org., caucus)?
                   Yes        No        (Circle One)

If yes, please identify. ____________________________________________________


     _____   Membership Committee: Promotes membership in the ARAPA. Contacts new PAs and
                   welcomes them to Arkansas, explains ARAPA and offers them membership.

     _____   Legislative Committee: Monitors legislative activity in Arkansas and determines its
                   affect on the PA profession.

     _____   Nominations/Elections Committee: Charged with coordinating the nomination
                   platforms and ballots. Tabulating the results and notifying the new officers.

     _____   CME Committee: Provides quality continuing education and opportunities for
                   interaction and social activities.
I certify that the information provided on this application form is true and accurate to the best of
my knowledge.

      __________________________________________      ____________________
      Signature                                                                           Date

Make checks payable to Arkansas Academy of Physician Assistants
Mail check and completed form to:

P.O. Box 23044
Little Rock AR 72221-3044

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