Le Introduction 

  So there's a lot of personal record review sites out there nowadays, but there's still a billion more blog's, so I reckon there's always space for my views on top of everyone else's, especially since the only way anyone will ever find this site is if I tell 'em about it (which works out fine for me, since I only have 1GB of bandwidth, not to mention my incredibly crude grasp of HTML). Now I should immediately point out that I'm an impoverished 18 year old, and I live in England where the average cost of a CD (I don't buy vinyl, its an anachronism) is about £13 (equivalent to about $25) so you'll have to forgive me if I don't have even anywhere near complete discographies for, well, any of the artists I intend to review. If you happen to live in England and you want a group reviewed feel free to wing me some CDR's (I know that will never happen, but you cant blame a fella for trying can ye?). Same thing goes for anybody with a demo they want reviewed.

PS** In the unusual event that you see something on my page and want to pilfer it as quote, as an review or for an address to the UN Security Council....feel free, you don't have to bother with asking my permission or anything, but please do credit me (discreetly). Cheers.

**WHAT'S NEW (10th October 2004): Bit of a change in format, I nixed the "various artists" page in favor of just creating separate pages for artists, makes the site seem a little fuller, the numbers next to all the links represent how many reviews are on each page. New content? Its marked with an asterisk so scroll downwards.....**

**COMING SOON: Metallica...part, Jeff Buckley....**

**ON THE RADAR (i.e. Bands I'm thinking of checking out) : MD.45, Stormtroopers Of Death**

Le Reviews!!!!

 You crazy "cats"...this is what you came to see isn't it? Album reviews? Unbridled, raw opinion!? Fart jokes? Well here you go then. Course since you probably already scrolled down you must have seen that there is, precisely, diddly fuck all here so far, but that you see, is because the site is still under heavy construction, the reviews library, like my record expanding. It'll take some time, but I'll get there in the end.


Think I'm talking out of my backside? Your probably right, so here's my guestbook.... 

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get this gear!


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