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injustice photos
Injustice By Family & Law Home | HELP ME!! EMAIL LINK PLEASE READ THIS AND....... If you or anybody you know has had the law do this to you. Then send me a email and tell me what the outcome was. Is there anybody out there with knowledge of the law who can advice me please, because i am getting nowhere. I am like a dog chasing its own tail. I was one of the first ever survivors of a Traumatic Brain Injury back in 1984. Fortunately I survived because, Dr. Thomas E. Scott was the Dr that invented this new neuro-surgery. Approximately 6 weeks before a car come into my lane & struck me head-on, putting me in a coma and paralysing my left side Totally. The Drs in the Hospital said that I'd never see the sun come up again. They just laid me on a roll-away bed after I was washed me up, parking me in the hallway to die. Then My Personal Injury Attorneys, who won me my court case against the man who hit me head-on in my lane on the Whitehair Bridge over The St. John's River on S.R. 44. Afterwards this went to court & I Won... The lawyers & the Neurologist and the judge all 3 come to an Agreement that my money should be put into my Step-dad and mother's name for 5 yrs. here it is now 16 yrs after the judgment and 11 yrs after my court-settlement should have been turned back over into my name. When I asked for my settlement back 11 months ago this is what happened... I was wrongfully arrested! And with being in jail it has giving me exposure to Tuberculosis (TB) virtually 2 months of my loss of Freedom besides, the ridiculous commissary costs. Consisting of major bills to start up my utilities, Again & facemasks. I'm going to court again in who knows when. What happened to that thing they used to call a "Speedy Trial"... (180 days) does it still exist? Because in less than a month it'll have been a year the 25th of July. "I could get a maximum jail/prison term for up to 3 years & I was the Victim... some police protection, it's like the old saying goes pretty much... "With friends like that who needs enemies", but, in this case it's "With Police like that who needs Criminals”? I was kicked by my half-brother from atop the livestock gate, "which is on my property" Driving me Down into my step-dad's uppercut in the right eye socket right beneath where I was brain injured in the speech center of the brain (right frontal lobe) He was on my property, swell!! I had a Major MIGRAINE for 4 days non-stop no sleep for even a second I hadn't even seen a nurse even though I expressed all this pain I was in when I was being registered in the jail without any medical attention. I kept laying my head on my arms & it more or less concerned the officials not. Still to this day I'm only getting 3 hrs on the average of sleep a night. The Dr's giving me Sleep/Pain pills that I can't take for 1 have too much work to do just to keep my freedom. Therefore I can't be groggy the next day, which it does to me and on top of it all the evidence that I needed showing the impact my head sustained, there is a picture a Detective took. I had come into jail on the 4th day after I could think around the pain my head was in after I got the ibruprofren. I had a Detective call & to the best of my knowledge or so far, any way that picture of a pirate patch totally Black eye has mysteriously disappeared. I'm being docked $50 a month because on SSI income you're not supposed to get your checks while in jail. I judicially reported to the jail that I was on "SSI" & even with my bad leg that has a Broken Steel Screw in it tearing my calf-muscle every time I bare weight on it. I made my way to town twice with no transportation just to see that I was allowed to cash these 2 checks of mine. I made it approx 32 miles to court each and every month. Besides the Public Defender telling me that I could have surgery done as long as I appeared to court each & every month. The Social Security Office (which is 15 miles away) in Deland Florida told me "Yes" that they were mine. Therefore not wanting them both to be stolen or lost simultaneously. I had to Return to town the next day with my 2nd check, just so I could turn my utilities back on that was wrongfully turned off. With the flesh ripping screw, my Equilibrium (I was Told that I'd Never be able to walk, again). My torn muscle between my right biceps & my fore-arm (Flexor) muscle, there's no way possible that I could've done with what I've been charged with. I mean what's happened to the Laws in this State/ County? Not only is the Counties being Allowed to Steal from their Citizens, but from their Disabled Citizens too, now That's Despicable & what's happened to the Amendments that was Signed to make this country. When I went to motion.... kinda like "Sign Language", since I couldn't Speak Due to My Brutal Abusing by motioning for a writing instrument. That's when the cop slapped the cuffs on me (Without freedom of speech) 1st amendment... I know my 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th if the law admits to their wrongdoing and the 8th Amendment Rights have been stolen. Even more there weren’t any fingerprints taken of the supposed weapon that I was to have Swung, this125 lb salt block lick stand for horses. I've got all this damage to my body, besides the newly accumulated Brain Trauma (insult to injury) that I could not have done all that. I was so wrongfully accused of I'm certain although I'm not a lawyer Only a Very Tired, Abused, Distressed and Stolen from Disabled man. I'm not a Criminal nor a Lawyer and with that said can you all tell me who is the Criminal here. Please, I need some HELP "I Feel" The Legal System's forgot how to Help The Needy, if not I'd not be in this circumstance. I thought the police were to Serve & protect the Public.... Not Themselves... Who's paying them? Our Tax Dollar... not them but, US... I'm Begging, Please, and I’m Pleading for Help I'm at my wits end I've Exhausted Every means of Support. I've been in the phonebook & on the Internet trying every possible Avenue there is. As I said I was put in a coma & paralysed on my left side back in 1984 and won a court-settlement well into the 6-digit range. It was put into my parent’s guardianship (2nd Biggest Mistake of My Life) it was a "Catch 22" for 5 years they've got my money and now I'm Broke.... When's the Law going to do what our tax dollar's paid for and this was a One-Time Deal which I'll Never See again. Now since, I had a head-injury even though, I was an Honor-Roll Student I've brought my IQ back up to 118(Brilliance Level). My family was supposed to give me my court case money back 5 years after the court-settlement. That was 11 yrs Ago and only one of them of that 5 has even graduated high-school so, I guess they think they're more injured than myself... I Simply Asked for it back when my half-brother, who got a loan off my mother and step-dad for his new diesel, king cab, fifth wheel, long bed with All the Extras and who knows what else. This being the 2nd Public Defender this "Lake County Judicial System" has giving to me a PD being Fresh out of college Really gives me some kind of Awesome Chance. Although we know they've got to give me the rookie. But then I feel they know their Police Force, Jail, Courts, & P.D.'s have Screwed Up Big Time & now they're Trying to Cover Their Own Hides. The P.D. knew my broken screw's tearing my muscle up situation and repeatedly told me she'd get me the number for Disabled Transportation. Although I've Finally figured out how to get them through the HRS Offices by myself. I called & just got a hold of them to make it to this 8th court-case. Which I've not but ever just Hobbled in there. I Signed a Sheet Showing that I could Hobble Approx. 32 miles and make it back (However, I did it concerned them not) Therefore, the County's Judicial System has Really put an Effort into Hurting, Injuring and Disabling me even more. To more or less told to Scurry Along after I've been Tortured Again by this Supposed, Detrimental or Comical Legal System". I mean I'm completely INNOCENT... Why do they have to do this to me? Are the Trying to show that the East Coast is trying to compete with The West Coast Like "The Rodney King Legal Abuse Situation" only driving it Further (in a sense) by saying that they can do it to a Disabled Man. She hasn't done a single thing for my case.They want like $400.00 for doing nothing from somebody they have already made lose like $300 in income so far. Besides, reconnecting my utilities All over once, Already... GO FIGURE... for I was supposed to have meetings with her, which she wasn't around to have any why? I'm going back to court on the 25th of July it'll have been one Year. The maximum time I could get for this is 3 yrs and why.... cause I'm a Disabled Man Living in Lake County, Florida that the Local Law's let his supposed caregivers "BEAT THE SNOT OUT OF ME" for that Long, they have witnessed it one or more times a year too. Injustice By Family & Law Home | HELP ME!! EMAIL LINK PLEASE READ THIS AND....... If you or anybody you know has had the law do this to you. Then send me a email and tell me what the outcome was. Is there anybody out there with knowledge of the law who can advice me please, because i am getting nowhere. I am like a dog chasing its own tail. I was one of the first ever survivors of a Traumatic Brain Injury back in 1984. Fortunately I survived because, Dr. Thomas E. Scott was the Dr that invented this new neuro-surgery. Approximately 6 weeks before a car come into my lane & struck me head-on, putting me in a coma and paralysing my left side Totally. The Drs in the Hospital said that I'd never see the sun come up again. They just laid me on a roll-away bed after I was washed me up, parking me in the hallway to die. Then My Personal Injury Attorneys, who won me my court case against the man who hit me head-on in my lane on the Whitehair Bridge over The St. John's River on S.R. 44. Afterwards this went to court & I Won... The lawyers & the Neurologist and the judge all 3 come to an Agreement that my money should be put into my Step-dad and mother's name for 5 yrs. here it is now 16 yrs after the judgment and 11 yrs after my court-settlement should have been turned back over into my name. When I asked for my settlement back 11 months ago this is what happened... I was wrongfully arrested! And with being in jail it has giving me exposure to Tuberculosis (TB) virtually 2 months of my loss of Freedom besides, the ridiculous commissary costs. Consisting of major bills to start up my utilities, Again & facemasks. I'm going to court again in who knows when. What happened to that thing they used to call a "Speedy Trial"... (180 days) does it still exist? Because in less than a month it'll have been a year the 25th of July. "I could get a maximum jail/prison term for up to 3 years & I was the Victim... some police protection, it's like the old saying goes pretty much... "With friends like that who needs enemies", but, in this case it's "With Police like that who needs Criminals”? I was kicked by my half-brother from atop the livestock gate, "which is on my property" Driving me Down into my step-dad's uppercut in the right eye socket right beneath where I was brain injured in the speech center of the brain (right frontal lobe) He was on my property, swell!! I had a Major MIGRAINE for 4 days non-stop no sleep for even a second I hadn't even seen a nurse even though I expressed all this pain I was in when I was being registered in the jail without any medical attention. I kept laying my head on my arms & it more or less concerned the officials not. Still to this day I'm only getting 3 hrs on the average of sleep a night. The Dr's giving me Sleep/Pain pills that I can't take for 1 have too much work to do just to keep my freedom. Therefore I can't be groggy the next day, which it does to me and on top of it all the evidence that I needed showing the impact my head sustained, there is a picture a Detective took. I had come into jail on the 4th day after I could think around the pain my head was in after I got the ibruprofren. I had a Detective call & to the best of my knowledge or so far, any way that picture of a pirate patch totally Black eye has mysteriously disappeared. I'm being docked $50 a month because on SSI income you're not supposed to get your checks while in jail. I judicially reported to the jail that I was on "SSI" & even with my bad leg that has a Broken Steel Screw in it tearing my calf-muscle every time I bare weight on it. I made my way to town twice with no transportation just to see that I was allowed to cash these 2 checks of mine. I made it approx 32 miles to court each and every month. Besides the Public Defender telling me that I could have surgery done as long as I appeared to court each & every month. The Social Security Office (which is 15 miles away) in Deland Florida told me "Yes" that they were mine. Therefore not wanting them both to be stolen or lost simultaneously. I had to Return to town the next day with my 2nd check, just so I could turn my utilities back on that was wrongfully turned off. With the flesh ripping screw, my Equilibrium (I was Told that I'd Never be able to walk, again). My torn muscle between my right biceps & my fore-arm (Flexor) muscle, there's no way possible that I could've done with what I've been charged with. I mean what's happened to the Laws in this State/ County? Not only is the Counties being Allowed to Steal from their Citizens, but from their Disabled Citizens too, now That's Despicable & what's happened to the Amendments that was Signed to make this country. When I went to motion.... kinda like "Sign Language", since I couldn't Speak Due to My Brutal Abusing by motioning for a writing instrument. That's when the cop slapped the cuffs on me (Without freedom of speech) 1st amendment... I know my 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th if the law admits to their wrongdoing and the 8th Amendment Rights have been stolen. Even more there weren’t any fingerprints taken of the supposed weapon that I was to have Swung, this125 lb salt block lick stand for horses. I've got all this damage to my body, besides the newly accumulated Brain Trauma (insult to injury) that I could not have done all that. I was so wrongfully accused of I'm certain although I'm not a lawyer Only a Very Tired, Abused, Distressed and Stolen from Disabled man. I'm not a Criminal nor a Lawyer and with that said can you all tell me who is the Criminal here. Please, I need some HELP "I Feel" The Legal System's forgot how to Help The Needy, if not I'd not be in this circumstance. I thought the police were to Serve & protect the Public.... Not Themselves... Who's paying them? Our Tax Dollar... not them but, US... I'm Begging, Please, and I’m Pleading for Help I'm at my wits end I've Exhausted Every means of Support. I've been in the phonebook & on the Internet trying every possible Avenue there is. As I said I was put in a coma & paralysed on my left side back in 1984 and won a court-settlement well into the 6-digit range. It was put into my parent’s guardianship (2nd Biggest Mistake of My Life) it was a "Catch 22" for 5 years they've got my money and now I'm Broke.... When's the Law going to do what our tax dollar's paid for and this was a One-Time Deal which I'll Never See again. Now since, I had a head-injury even though, I was an Honor-Roll Student I've brought my IQ back up to 118(Brilliance Level). My family was supposed to give me my court case money back 5 years after the court-settlement. That was 11 yrs Ago and only one of them of that 5 has even graduated high-school so, I guess they think they're more injured than myself... I Simply Asked for it back when my half-brother, who got a loan off my mother and step-dad for his new diesel, king cab, fifth wheel, long bed with All the Extras and who knows what else. This being the 2nd Public Defender this "Lake County Judicial System" has giving to me a PD being Fresh out of college Really gives me some kind of Awesome Chance. Although we know they've got to give me the rookie. But then I feel they know their Police Force, Jail, Courts, & P.D.'s have Screwed Up Big Time & now they're Trying to Cover Their Own Hides. The P.D. knew my broken screw's tearing my muscle up situation and repeatedly told me she'd get me the number for Disabled Transportation. Although I've Finally figured out how to get them through the HRS Offices by myself. I called & just got a hold of them to make it to this 8th court-case. Which I've not but ever just Hobbled in there. I Signed a Sheet Showing that I could Hobble Approx. 32 miles and make it back (However, I did it concerned them not) Therefore, the County's Judicial System has Really put an Effort into Hurting, Injuring and Disabling me even more. To more or less told to Scurry Along after I've been Tortured Again by this Supposed, Detrimental or Comical Legal System". I mean I'm completely INNOCENT... Why do they have to do this to me? Are the Trying to show that the East Coast is trying to compete with The West Coast Like "The Rodney King Legal Abuse Situation" only driving it Further (in a sense) by saying that they can do it to a Disabled Man. She hasn't done a single thing for my case.They want like $400.00 for doing nothing from somebody they have already made lose like $300 in income so far. Besides, reconnecting my utilities All over once, Already... GO FIGURE... for I was supposed to have meetings with her, which she wasn't around to have any why? I'm going back to court on the 25th of July it'll have been one Year. The maximum time I could get for this is 3 yrs and why.... cause I'm a Disabled Man Living in Lake County, Florida that the Local Law's let his supposed caregivers "BEAT THE SNOT OUT OF ME" for that Long, they have witnessed it one or more times a year too. Injustice By Family & Law Home | HELP ME!! EMAIL LINK PLEASE READ THIS AND....... If you or anybody you know has had the law do this to you. Then send me a email and tell me what the outcome was. Is there anybody out there with knowledge of the law who can advice me please, because i am getting nowhere. I am like a dog chasing its own tail. I was one of the first ever survivors of a Traumatic Brain Injury back in 1984. Fortunately I survived because, Dr. Thomas E. Scott was the Dr that invented this new neuro-surgery. Approximately 6 weeks before a car come into my lane & struck me head-on, putting me in a coma and paralysing my left side Totally. The Drs in the Hospital said that I'd never see the sun come up again. They just laid me on a roll-away bed after I was washed me up, parking me in the hallway to die. Then My Personal Injury Attorneys, who won me my court case against the man who hit me head-on in my lane on the Whitehair Bridge over The St. John's River on S.R. 44. Afterwards this went to court & I Won... The lawyers & the Neurologist and the judge all 3 come to an Agreement that my money should be put into my Step-dad and mother's name for 5 yrs. here it is now 16 yrs after the judgment and 11 yrs after my court-settlement should have been turned back over into my name. When I asked for my settlement back 11 months ago this is what happened... I was wrongfully arrested! And with being in jail it has giving me exposure to Tuberculosis (TB) virtually 2 months of my loss of Freedom besides, the ridiculous commissary costs. Consisting of major bills to start up my utilities, Again & facemasks. I'm going to court again in who knows when. What happened to that thing they used to call a "Speedy Trial"... (180 days) does it still exist? Because in less than a month it'll have been a year the 25th of July. "I could get a maximum jail/prison term for up to 3 years & I was the Victim... some police protection, it's like the old saying goes pretty much... "With friends like that who needs enemies", but, in this case it's "With Police like that who needs Criminals”? I was kicked by my half-brother from atop the livestock gate, "which is on my property" Driving me Down into my step-dad's uppercut in the right eye socket right beneath where I was brain injured in the speech center of the brain (right frontal lobe) He was on my property, swell!! I had a Major MIGRAINE for 4 days non-stop no sleep for even a second I hadn't even seen a nurse even though I expressed all this pain I was in when I was being registered in the jail without any medical attention. I kept laying my head on my arms & it more or less concerned the officials not. Still to this day I'm only getting 3 hrs on the average of sleep a night. The Dr's giving me Sleep/Pain pills that I can't take for 1 have too much work to do just to keep my freedom. Therefore I can't be groggy the next day, which it does to me and on top of it all the evidence that I needed showing the impact my head sustained, there is a picture a Detective took. I had come into jail on the 4th day after I could think around the pain my head was in after I got the ibruprofren. I had a Detective call & to the best of my knowledge or so far, any way that picture of a pirate patch totally Black eye has mysteriously disappeared. I'm being docked $50 a month because on SSI income you're not supposed to get your checks while in jail. I judicially reported to the jail that I was on "SSI" & even with my bad leg that has a Broken Steel Screw in it tearing my calf-muscle every time I bare weight on it. I made my way to town twice with no transportation just to see that I was allowed to cash these 2 checks of mine. I made it approx 32 miles to court each and every month. Besides the Public Defender telling me that I could have surgery done as long as I appeared to court each & every month. The Social Security Office (which is 15 miles away) in Deland Florida told me "Yes" that they were mine. Therefore not wanting them both to be stolen or lost simultaneously. I had to Return to town the next day with my 2nd check, just so I could turn my utilities back on that was wrongfully turned off. With the flesh ripping screw, my Equilibrium (I was Told that I'd Never be able to walk, again). My torn muscle between my right biceps & my fore-arm (Flexor) muscle, there's no way possible that I could've done with what I've been charged with. I mean what's happened to the Laws in this State/ County? Not only is the Counties being Allowed to Steal from their Citizens, but from their Disabled Citizens too, now That's Despicable & what's happened to the Amendments that was Signed to make this country. When I went to motion.... kinda like "Sign Language", since I couldn't Speak Due to My Brutal Abusing by motioning for a writing instrument. That's when the cop slapped the cuffs on me (Without freedom of speech) 1st amendment... I know my 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th if the law admits to their wrongdoing and the 8th Amendment Rights have been stolen. Even more there weren’t any fingerprints taken of the supposed weapon that I was to have Swung, this125 lb salt block lick stand for horses. I've got all this damage to my body, besides the newly accumulated Brain Trauma (insult to injury) that I could not have done all that. I was so wrongfully accused of I'm certain although I'm not a lawyer Only a Very Tired, Abused, Distressed and Stolen from Disabled man. I'm not a Criminal nor a Lawyer and with that said can you all tell me who is the Criminal here. Please, I need some HELP "I Feel" The Legal System's forgot how to Help The Needy, if not I'd not be in this circumstance. I thought the police were to Serve & protect the Public.... Not Themselves... Who's paying them? Our Tax Dollar... not them but, US... I'm Begging, Please, and I’m Pleading for Help I'm at my wits end I've Exhausted Every means of Support. I've been in the phonebook & on the Internet trying every possible Avenue there is. As I said I was put in a coma & paralysed on my left side back in 1984 and won a court-settlement well into the 6-digit range. It was put into my parent’s guardianship (2nd Biggest Mistake of My Life) it was a "Catch 22" for 5 years they've got my money and now I'm Broke.... When's the Law going to do what our tax dollar's paid for and this was a One-Time Deal which I'll Never See again. Now since, I had a head-injury even though, I was an Honor-Roll Student I've brought my IQ back up to 118(Brilliance Level). My family was supposed to give me my court case money back 5 years after the court-settlement. That was 11 yrs Ago and only one of them of that 5 has even graduated high-school so, I guess they think they're more injured than myself... I Simply Asked for it back when my half-brother, who got a loan off my mother and step-dad for his new diesel, king cab, fifth wheel, long bed with All the Extras and who knows what else. This being the 2nd Public Defender this "Lake County Judicial System" has giving to me a PD being Fresh out of college Really gives me some kind of Awesome Chance. Although we know they've got to give me the rookie. But then I feel they know their Police Force, Jail, Courts, & P.D.'s have Screwed Up Big Time & now they're Trying to Cover Their Own Hides. The P.D. knew my broken screw's tearing my muscle up situation and repeatedly told me she'd get me the number for Disabled Transportation. Although I've Finally figured out how to get them through the HRS Offices by myself. I called & just got a hold of them to make it to this 8th court-case. Which I've not but ever just Hobbled in there. I Signed a Sheet Showing that I could Hobble Approx. 32 miles and make it back (However, I did it concerned them not) Therefore, the County's Judicial System has Really put an Effort into Hurting, Injuring and Disabling me even more. To more or less told to Scurry Along after I've been Tortured Again by this Supposed, Detrimental or Comical Legal System". I mean I'm completely INNOCENT... Why do they have to do this to me? Are the Trying to show that the East Coast is trying to compete with The West Coast Like "The Rodney King Legal Abuse Situation" only driving it Further (in a sense) by saying that they can do it to a Disabled Man. She hasn't done a single thing for my case.They want like $400.00 for doing nothing from somebody they have already made lose like $300 in income so far. Besides, reconnecting my utilities All over once, Already... GO FIGURE... for I was supposed to have meetings with her, which she wasn't around to have any why? I'm going back to court on the 25th of July it'll have been one Year. The maximum time I could get for this is 3 yrs and why.... cause I'm a Disabled Man Living in Lake County, Florida that the Local Law's let his supposed caregivers "BEAT THE SNOT OUT OF ME" for that Long, they have witnessed it one or more times a year too. Injustice By Family & Law Home | HELP ME!! EMAIL LINK PLEASE READ THIS AND....... If you or anybody you know has had the law do this to you. Then send me a email and tell me what the outcome was. Is there anybody out there with knowledge of the law who can advice me please, because i am getting nowhere. I am like a dog chasing its own tail. I was one of the first ever survivors of a Traumatic Brain Injury back in 1984. Fortunately I survived because, Dr. Thomas E. Scott was the Dr that invented this new neuro-surgery. Approximately 6 weeks before a car come into my lane & struck me head-on, putting me in a coma and paralysing my left side Totally. The Drs in the Hospital said that I'd never see the sun come up again. They just laid me on a roll-away bed after I was washed me up, parking me in the hallway to die. Then My Personal Injury Attorneys, who won me my court case against the man who hit me head-on in my lane on the Whitehair Bridge over The St. John's River on S.R. 44. Afterwards this went to court & I Won... The lawyers & the Neurologist and the judge all 3 come to an Agreement that my money should be put into my Step-dad and mother's name for 5 yrs. here it is now 16 yrs after the judgment and 11 yrs after my court-settlement should have been turned back over into my name. When I asked for my settlement back 11 months ago this is what happened... I was wrongfully arrested! And with being in jail it has giving me exposure to Tuberculosis (TB) virtually 2 months of my loss of Freedom besides, the ridiculous commissary costs. Consisting of major bills to start up my utilities, Again & facemasks. I'm going to court again in who knows when. What happened to that thing they used to call a "Speedy Trial"... (180 days) does it still exist? Because in less than a month it'll have been a year the 25th of July. "I could get a maximum jail/prison term for up to 3 years & I was the Victim... some police protection, it's like the old saying goes pretty much... "With friends like that who needs enemies", but, in this case it's "With Police like that who needs Criminals”? I was kicked by my half-brother from atop the livestock gate, "which is on my property" Driving me Down into my step-dad's uppercut in the right eye socket right beneath where I was brain injured in the speech center of the brain (right frontal lobe) He was on my property, swell!! I had a Major MIGRAINE for 4 days non-stop no sleep for even a second I hadn't even seen a nurse even though I expressed all this pain I was in when I was being registered in the jail without any medical attention. I kept laying my head on my arms & it more or less concerned the officials not. Still to this day I'm only getting 3 hrs on the average of sleep a night. The Dr's giving me Sleep/Pain pills that I can't take for 1 have too much work to do just to keep my freedom. Therefore I can't be groggy the next day, which it does to me and on top of it all the evidence that I needed showing the impact my head sustained, there is a picture a Detective took. I had come into jail on the 4th day after I could think around the pain my head was in after I got the ibruprofren. I had a Detective call & to the best of my knowledge or so far, any way that picture of a pirate patch totally Black eye has mysteriously disappeared. I'm being docked $50 a month because on SSI income you're not supposed to get your checks while in jail. I judicially reported to the jail that I was on "SSI" & even with my bad leg that has a Broken Steel Screw in it tearing my calf-muscle every time I bare weight on it. I made my way to town twice with no transportation just to see that I was allowed to cash these 2 checks of mine. I made it approx 32 miles to court each and every month. Besides the Public Defender telling me that I could have surgery done as long as I appeared to court each & every month. The Social Security Office (which is 15 miles away) in Deland Florida told me "Yes" that they were mine. Therefore not wanting them both to be stolen or lost simultaneously. I had to Return to town the next day with my 2nd check, just so I could turn my utilities back on that was wrongfully turned off. With the flesh ripping screw, my Equilibrium (I was Told that I'd Never be able to walk, again). My torn muscle between my right biceps & my fore-arm (Flexor) muscle, there's no way possible that I could've done with what I've been charged with. I mean what's happened to the Laws in this State/ County? Not only is the Counties being Allowed to Steal from their Citizens, but from their Disabled Citizens too, now That's Despicable & what's happened to the Amendments that was Signed to make this country. When I went to motion.... kinda like "Sign Language", since I couldn't Speak Due to My Brutal Abusing by motioning for a writing instrument. That's when the cop slapped the cuffs on me (Without freedom of speech) 1st amendment... I know my 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th if the law admits to their wrongdoing and the 8th Amendment Rights have been stolen. Even more there weren’t any fingerprints taken of the supposed weapon that I was to have Swung, this125 lb salt block lick stand for horses. I've got all this damage to my body, besides the newly accumulated Brain Trauma (insult to injury) that I could not have done all that. I was so wrongfully accused of I'm certain although I'm not a lawyer Only a Very Tired, Abused, Distressed and Stolen from Disabled man. I'm not a Criminal nor a Lawyer and with that said can you all tell me who is the Criminal here. Please, I need some HELP "I Feel" The Legal System's forgot how to Help The Needy, if not I'd not be in this circumstance. I thought the police were to Serve & protect the Public.... Not Themselves... Who's paying them? Our Tax Dollar... not them but, US... I'm Begging, Please, and I’m Pleading for Help I'm at my wits end I've Exhausted Every means of Support. I've been in the phonebook & on the Internet trying every possible Avenue there is. As I said I was put in a coma & paralysed on my left side back in 1984 and won a court-settlement well into the 6-digit range. It was put into my parent’s guardianship (2nd Biggest Mistake of My Life) it was a "Catch 22" for 5 years they've got my money and now I'm Broke.... When's the Law going to do what our tax dollar's paid for and this was a One-Time Deal which I'll Never See again. Now since, I had a head-injury even though, I was an Honor-Roll Student I've brought my IQ back up to 118(Brilliance Level). My family was supposed to give me my court case money back 5 years after the court-settlement. That was 11 yrs Ago and only one of them of that 5 has even graduated high-school so, I guess they think they're more injured than myself... I Simply Asked for it back when my half-brother, who got a loan off my mother and step-dad for his new diesel, king cab, fifth wheel, long bed with All the Extras and who knows what else. This being the 2nd Public Defender this "Lake County Judicial System" has giving to me a PD being Fresh out of college Really gives me some kind of Awesome Chance. Although we know they've got to give me the rookie. But then I feel they know their Police Force, Jail, Courts, & P.D.'s have Screwed Up Big Time & now they're Trying to Cover Their Own Hides. The P.D. knew my broken screw's tearing my muscle up situation and repeatedly told me she'd get me the number for Disabled Transportation. Although I've Finally figured out how to get them through the HRS Offices by myself. I called & just got a hold of them to make it to this 8th court-case. Which I've not but ever just Hobbled in there. I Signed a Sheet Showing that I could Hobble Approx. 32 miles and make it back (However, I did it concerned them not) Therefore, the County's Judicial System has Really put an Effort into Hurting, Injuring and Disabling me even more. To more or less told to Scurry Along after I've been Tortured Again by this Supposed, Detrimental or Comical Legal System". I mean I'm completely INNOCENT... Why do they have to do this to me? Are the Trying to show that the East Coast is trying to compete with The West Coast Like "The Rodney King Legal Abuse Situation" only driving it Further (in a sense) by saying that they can do it to a Disabled Man. She hasn't done a single thing for my case.They want like $400.00 for doing nothing from somebody they have already made lose like $300 in income so far. Besides, reconnecting my utilities All over once, Already... GO FIGURE... for I was supposed to have meetings with her, which she wasn't around to have any why? I'm going back to court on the 25th of July it'll have been one Year. The maximum time I could get for this is 3 yrs and why.... cause I'm a Disabled Man Living in Lake County, Florida that the Local Law's let his supposed caregivers "BEAT THE SNOT OUT OF ME" for that Long, they have witnessed it one or more times a year too. img
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Injustice By Family & Law Home | HELP ME!! EMAIL LINK PLEASE READ THIS AND....... If you or anybody you know has had the law do this to you. Then send me a email and tell me what the outcome was. Is there anybody out there with knowledge of the law who can advice me please, because i am getting nowhere. I am like a dog chasing its own tail. I was one of the first ever survivors of a Traumatic Brain Injury back in 1984. Fortunately I survived because, Dr. Thomas E. Scott was the Dr that invented this new neuro-surgery. Approximately 6 weeks before a car come into my lane & struck me head-on, putting me in a coma and paralysing my left side Totally. The Drs in the Hospital said that I'd never see the sun come up again. They just laid me on a roll-away bed after I was washed me up, parking me in the hallway to die. Then My Personal Injury Attorneys, who won me my court case against the man who hit me head-on in my lane on the Whitehair Bridge over The St. John's River on S.R. 44. Afterwards this went to court & I Won... The lawyers & the Neurologist and the judge all 3 come to an Agreement that my money should be put into my Step-dad and mother's name for 5 yrs. here it is now 16 yrs after the judgment and 11 yrs after my court-settlement should have been turned back over into my name. When I asked for my settlement back 11 months ago this is what happened... I was wrongfully arrested! And with being in jail it has giving me exposure to Tuberculosis (TB) virtually 2 months of my loss of Freedom besides, the ridiculous commissary costs. Consisting of major bills to start up my utilities, Again & facemasks. I'm going to court again in who knows when. What happened to that thing they used to call a "Speedy Trial"... (180 days) does it still exist? Because in less than a month it'll have been a year the 25th of July. "I could get a maximum jail/prison term for up to 3 years & I was the Victim... some police protection, it's like the old saying goes pretty much... "With friends like that who needs enemies", but, in this case it's "With Police like that who needs Criminals”? I was kicked by my half-brother from atop the livestock gate, "which is on my property" Driving me Down into my step-dad's uppercut in the right eye socket right beneath where I was brain injured in the speech center of the brain (right frontal lobe) He was on my property, swell!! I had a Major MIGRAINE for 4 days non-stop no sleep for even a second I hadn't even seen a nurse even though I expressed all this pain I was in when I was being registered in the jail without any medical attention. I kept laying my head on my arms & it more or less concerned the officials not. Still to this day I'm only getting 3 hrs on the average of sleep a night. The Dr's giving me Sleep/Pain pills that I can't take for 1 have too much work to do just to keep my freedom. Therefore I can't be groggy the next day, which it does to me and on top of it all the evidence that I needed showing the impact my head sustained, there is a picture a Detective took. I had come into jail on the 4th day after I could think around the pain my head was in after I got the ibruprofren. I had a Detective call & to the best of my knowledge or so far, any way that picture of a pirate patch totally Black eye has mysteriously disappeared. I'm being docked $50 a month because on SSI income you're not supposed to get your checks while in jail. I judicially reported to the jail that I was on "SSI" & even with my bad leg that has a Broken Steel Screw in it tearing my calf-muscle every time I bare weight on it. I made my way to town twice with no transportation just to see that I was allowed to cash these 2 checks of mine. I made it approx 32 miles to court each and every month. Besides the Public Defender telling me that I could have surgery done as long as I appeared to court each & every month. The Social Security Office (which is 15 miles away) in Deland Florida told me "Yes" that they were mine. Therefore not wanting them both to be stolen or lost simultaneously. I had to Return to town the next day with my 2nd check, just so I could turn my utilities back on that was wrongfully turned off. With the flesh ripping screw, my Equilibrium (I was Told that I'd Never be able to walk, again). My torn muscle between my right biceps & my fore-arm (Flexor) muscle, there's no way possible that I could've done with what I've been charged with. I mean what's happened to the Laws in this State/ County? Not only is the Counties being Allowed to Steal from their Citizens, but from their Disabled Citizens too, now That's Despicable & what's happened to the Amendments that was Signed to make this country. When I went to motion.... kinda like "Sign Language", since I couldn't Speak Due to My Brutal Abusing by motioning for a writing instrument. That's when the cop slapped the cuffs on me (Without freedom of speech) 1st amendment... I know my 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th if the law admits to their wrongdoing and the 8th Amendment Rights have been stolen. Even more there weren’t any fingerprints taken of the supposed weapon that I was to have Swung, this125 lb salt block lick stand for horses. I've got all this damage to my body, besides the newly accumulated Brain Trauma (insult to injury) that I could not have done all that. I was so wrongfully accused of I'm certain although I'm not a lawyer Only a Very Tired, Abused, Distressed and Stolen from Disabled man. I'm not a Criminal nor a Lawyer and with that said can you all tell me who is the Criminal here. Please, I need some HELP "I Feel" The Legal System's forgot how to Help The Needy, if not I'd not be in this circumstance. I thought the police were to Serve & protect the Public.... Not Themselves... Who's paying them? Our Tax Dollar... not them but, US... I'm Begging, Please, and I’m Pleading for Help I'm at my wits end I've Exhausted Every means of Support. I've been in the phonebook & on the Internet trying every possible Avenue there is. As I said I was put in a coma & paralysed on my left side back in 1984 and won a court-settlement well into the 6-digit range. It was put into my parent’s guardianship (2nd Biggest Mistake of My Life) it was a "Catch 22" for 5 years they've got my money and now I'm Broke.... When's the Law going to do what our tax dollar's paid for and this was a One-Time Deal which I'll Never See again. Now since, I had a head-injury even though, I was an Honor-Roll Student I've brought my IQ back up to 118(Brilliance Level). My family was supposed to give me my court case money back 5 years after the court-settlement. That was 11 yrs Ago and only one of them of that 5 has even graduated high-school so, I guess they think they're more injured than myself... I Simply Asked for it back when my half-brother, who got a loan off my mother and step-dad for his new diesel, king cab, fifth wheel, long bed with All the Extras and who knows what else. This being the 2nd Public Defender this "Lake County Judicial System" has giving to me a PD being Fresh out of college Really gives me some kind of Awesome Chance. Although we know they've got to give me the rookie. But then I feel they know their Police Force, Jail, Courts, & P.D.'s have Screwed Up Big Time & now they're Trying to Cover Their Own Hides. The P.D. knew my broken screw's tearing my muscle up situation and repeatedly told me she'd get me the number for Disabled Transportation. Although I've Finally figured out how to get them through the HRS Offices by myself. I called & just got a hold of them to make it to this 8th court-case. Which I've not but ever just Hobbled in there. I Signed a Sheet Showing that I could Hobble Approx. 32 miles and make it back (However, I did it concerned them not) Therefore, the County's Judicial System has Really put an Effort into Hurting, Injuring and Disabling me even more. To more or less told to Scurry Along after I've been Tortured Again by this Supposed, Detrimental or Comical Legal System". I mean I'm completely INNOCENT... Why do they have to do this to me? Are the Trying to show that the East Coast is trying to compete with The West Coast Like "The Rodney King Legal Abuse Situation" only driving it Further (in a sense) by saying that they can do it to a Disabled Man. She hasn't done a single thing for my case.They want like $400.00 for doing nothing from somebody they have already made lose like $300 in income so far. Besides, reconnecting my utilities All over once, Already... GO FIGURE... for I was supposed to have meetings with her, which she wasn't around to have any why? I'm going back to court on the 25th of July it'll have been one Year. The maximum time I could get for this is 3 yrs and why.... cause I'm a Disabled Man Living in Lake County, Florida that the Local Law's let his supposed caregivers "BEAT THE SNOT OUT OF ME" for that Long, they have witnessed it one or more times a year too.